Im making FM radio using arduino nano.
Everything works fine when powering from USB or powerbank.
But I also want to use external power supply using AC adaptor
230V to 12V 1.5A and DC/DC step down LM2596S regulator to make 5V from 12V
I connect 5V from DC regulator to 5V pin on arduino.
After powering up on external power supply my radio hangs up in 30sec.
Should I resolve some other way powering up my project using external power supply ?
A 5volt cellphone charger connected to the USB socket might be easier than a 230>12>5volt setup.
Can't you power the setup with a cellphone charger through the powerbank?
For that you have to cut the lead.
Much easier to use a charger with the right micro USB lead to plug directly into the Nano.
Then you can power the radio from the 5volt pin of the Nano (~4.6volt).