I made a sketch about 300 line using pressure sensor.
When start arduino and upload to EPS32 it's working as should, no issues at all.
When uploading same sketch again (no changes) PC load is very high suddenly and scrolling throug the sketch very laggy.
Uploading takes very long too.
Whe I close arduino (click cross right hand corner) it takes about 20 second for arduino to close.
Remember before it can finish uploading as I remember it copies everything, libraries included into one big file. The preprocessor parces it down and the compiler then compiles it to ASM format then the Assembler takes over. Once assembled the linker has to put it in an uploadable format. Then it gets uploaded into your machine.
Behind that click a lot goes on and speed is machine and OS (Operating System) dependent. I use Linux Mint with a 4 core AMD processor and have no problems.
We also do not know if any of the source or library files are 'offline' no matter if local network or cloud.
Without a LOT more investifgation we have no idea if the build process was slow or if it was other tasks.
On my Mac, I have 500 processes running, 3300 threads and the CPU is 16% busy. HOWEVER sometimes a sketch will seem slow, to compile. My guess is that a 'resource' had to be brought in from off-line storage or maybe only compared, but in any case, you don't know what is causing the perceived slowdown.
If what you are experiencing is bothering you, feel happy you didn't work in my era where we might only get 2 or 3 compiles a day because the computer was in another building a few miles away and we did not yet have remote job entry. That was when 'desk checking' really meant something.
It happened again.
I finally discovered the issue.
Maybe someone else has the same problem, just want to share.
The issue was thtat the serial monitor of the esp32 was flooding my PC with too much data.
This caused arduino to react very slowly, scrolling and closing.
Even uploading and compiling the sketch was very very slow.
When disabeling the serial data to my PC all problems are solved.
There is a known bug that causes the high load under those specific conditions. So this problem is not surprising if your sketch was printing lots of data per line. In this case, you can probably fix the problem by adjusting your sketch code so that it doesn't do that (since in most cases printing a lot of data on a single line is not the intended behavior). The reason I requested your sketch was so that I could check whether it did that.
We are not aware of any such problems with a lot of data sent via many reasonable length lines so if your sketch was not printing lots of data per line then I would still be interested in seeing the sketch so that I can investigate the problem further.
Sorry don't have that sketch anymore. Changed a lot so not original anymore.
As far as I rememeber it was 1 variable in the sketch in the loop without any delay set.
Used esp23 maybe that's why it was generating so much serial data...