Factory Default Sketch

Can someone point me to where I can download the factory default sketch that comes preloaded on the Arduino 2009 boards? It's the one where the flashing on pin 13 speeds up like a drumroll.

I'd like to make some tutorial videos, but would like to start the video with a 'brand new' board.


Why not give it a go yourself?

We would be more than happy to help you if you make some code that doesn't work and posted it up here.

Just look into delay and digital write.

I could build it myself, but figured I'd just download it if it were available as I wanted to demonstrate how the boards operate when new.

Thanks for the advice though :slight_smile:

flashing on pin 13 speeds up like a drumroll.

I thought it was just the blink sketch.

Just modify the blink sketch to include a delay on a variable and a line that decreases the delay each loop.


Can someone point me to where I can download the factory default sketch that comes preloaded on the Arduino 2009 boards? It's the one where the flashing on pin 13 speeds up like a drumroll.

Well I've never owned a 'real' Arduino so I have no idea what 'default' sketch may have come preloaded. All the clone boards and AVR chips I've bought have come preloaded with the simple blink program (one second on one second off) sketch that is in the ARduino IDE files/examples/digital folder.

Maybe someone here can confirm that there is some standard sketch loaded on the 'real' Arduino boards these days?


Maybe someone here can confirm that there is some standard sketch loaded on the 'real' Arduino boards these days?

Well my 'older' arduino duemilanove (the one still with the reset pads) came with the simple blink sketch on and so did my arduino pro from sparkfun.

Maybe that's changed now though.


Yeah, my arduinos all had blink on them, but my friend's new arduino had a weird blinking.
Definitely a pattern, but not a simple on-delay-off-delay pattern

This is what my Atmega 328's came with from SparkFun:

Hmm, that's different from my friend's.

His was (as close as I can remember)

Blink twice , once per second
Blink 3 times, once every half second.