Failed to upgrade target. Error is: Serial port could not be opened on COM6. Reason: Cannot configure port

Hi, I am new to Arduino, I am now testing "ISP1807 breakout USB Type-C Version" for future development.
"ISP1807 breakout TypeC" -> ISP1807ピッチ変換基板 USB Type-C版 — スイッチサイエンス

When I try to upload the sketch to my "ISP1807 breakout USB Type-C Version", I encounter the following problem.

I've used "Switch Science ISP1807 breakout" before and it worked fine.
"Switch Science ISP1807 breakout" -> Switch Science ISP1807ピッチ変換基板 — スイッチサイエンス

I think there isn't a big difference between "ISP1807 breakout USB Type-C Version" and "Switch Science ISP1807 breakout" , also the Arduino IDE instruction from both products/6454 and products/6100 page are the same , so i don't get why it is not working.

Sorry for asking stupid questions and my poor English.

Hi @ricky_fumi. I am not familiar with this board or platform so hopefully one of the more experienced forum members can provide more specific assistance, but I can ask a couple of questions:

Is COM6 listed under the Tools > Port menu in Arduino IDE? I ask because Windows may enumerate a different COM port for each board. If you didn't select the port of the new board from the menu, it would cause an upload error (I don't know whether it would cause this specific "PermissionError" or not though).

Hi @ptillisch . Thanks for your reply ,

And yes , COM6 is listed under Tools > Port menu in Arduino IDE , I've also tried to press RESET button on the board and then try to upload the sketch to my board , but still didn't work.

Make sure no other application is using COM6. Only one application can have a serial port open at a time, so if it is already open in some other application then it will cause the upload to fail.

If you have the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor or Serial Plotter open, close them and try an upload. Generally you should not have any problems with uploading with those running because Arduino IDE is able to automatically juggle control over the port between the Serial Monitor/Plotter and the upload process, but it is possible that automagical port handling isn't working correctly so it is worth checking.

If you are using Arduino IDE 2.x, you can close Serial Monitor by clicking the X icon on the "Serial Monitor" tab:


Sorry for late reply,

I tested it on my laptop computer and it worked fine !
I've tested on my four devices.

Laptop 1 : fine
Laptop 2 : fine
PC 1 : failed
PC 2 : failed

So I guess I would just use my laptop for my development.
Still have no idea why it didn't work on my both PC though.

Thank you very much !

Did you check the things I suggested in my previous reply?

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