Fake bomb for airsoft

I have been looking around the web for a fake bomb code that I can use for paintball. I have tried many different ones. They all seem to give me errors when I compile the code. I was wondering if anyone has some code they would share that uses a 16x2 lcd and a 4x4 matrix keypad. I have tried this one http://www.instructables.com/id/ARDUINO-AIRSOFT-TIME-BOMB-GAME/ but I dont get how you are supposed to copy everything into one.

What exact hardware do you intend on using. If you don't have a specific thing in mind, chose one of the projects and provide a source link. Then post YOUR code in tags.

Once you provide that info, we can help you get things working!

Can you post using code tags, the code(s) that you have tried that don't compile please.
The best code would be the code you understand the best, post it.

Thanks.. Tom.. :slight_smile: