once again I need some advice
I'm trying to interface with a GY80 10DOF breakout. The board consists of an ADXL345 (accelerometer), a L3G4200D (gyrometer), a HMC5883L (compass) and a BMP085 (barometer), but I only need the data from the first three sensors (3 axis each).
I have written a little library, which includes functions to initialize and read out the sensors (via I2C). So far, every thing works fine, I can calculate the euler angles from the readings and the results are fine, BUT it is far to slow.
It takes around 3ms to read out all three sensors and around 863us to read only the accelerometer (calculations not included, but they only amount for fraction of this time).
I need the sensor for a very time sensitive application and 3ms won't do it. I don't know the limitation of the sensor or the I2C protocol itself, but I was hoping to get something about 500us maximum (is that realistic)? By the way, I'm using an Arduino Due.
This is basically the code I'm using:
void IMU::readBytes(int deviceAddr, int registerAddr, int numBytes, int16_t buffer[]){
Wire.write(registerAddr | (1 << (numBytes + 1)));
Wire.requestFrom(deviceAddr, numBytes);
while (Wire.available() < numBytes);
for(int i = 0; i < numBytes; i++){
buffer[i] = Wire.read();
void IMU::getAcceleration(int16_t* ax, int16_t* ay, int16_t* az){
int16_t buffer[6];
readBytes(ACC_ADDRESS, ADXL345_DATAX0, 6, buffer);
*ax = (buffer[1] << 8) | buffer[0];
*ay = (buffer[3] << 8) | buffer[2];
*az = (buffer[5] << 8) | buffer[4];
I think my problem comes with the while loop, which I'm using to wait until the Wire buffer reaches the desired number of bytes, but I don't know how to change it.
Also, I thought about changing the I2C speed.
A third thing that came to mind was using interrupts. I think I read something about interrupts that occur when there is new data to read (at least on the ADXL345). So I would only be reading the registers if there was new data in there...
Any help is welcome!