I have a working set of code and I would like to make many copies using Arduino IDE. BthenUT... I don't want to compile and link each time. Where can I find information on saving the .bin file and then using it to program the processor? In order to make sure I have the correct program loaded I use const char compile_date[] = " " DATE " " TIME; to display which I have. Since I'm currently recompiling the code to load it into the processor, it's becoming confusing.
Exporting the .bin file is as easy as selecting Sketch/Export Compiled Binary from the IDE menu. It can then be uploaded using avrdude
Naturally, instructions are on the Web
See Upload .hex file in Arduino using CMD prompt and .bin to ESP8266 as an example of how to do it but I should add that I have no experience of doing it
Thanks for that help. I currently use Arduino Cloud so I don't have any access to the tool's menu.
I've been considering canceling my Arduino Cloud and installing a "regular' Arduino IDE on my Airbook Apple computer for precisely this reason. And, Apple solves the problem of creating a unique USB port, BUT... I've often had a problem with the computer losing communications with the serial port, requiring me to reboot a few times a day.
SO, what's the consensus? Do I trash my Arduino Cloud and move to downloaded Adruini IDE?
Why not install the IDE and use it when you need it ?
In the past, I had multiple copies of Arduino and nothing worked, so I switched to Ardruno Cloud and everything worked. PLUS... I wanted to use the Adruino Cloud IDE as source control, but that has also become a problem. I'l going to try to see if my Arduino on this computer works with the new source code.
Which version of the IDE do you have installed ?
The latest version is 2.2.1
I really thankyou for your advice (I take it you believe I should go back to non-Cloud IDE)
I'm building an IR Beam Break Personal race timer and it's become more popular than I believed was going to happen. It uses a ATTiny85 in the transmitter and ESP8266 D1 mini to receive the beam and the d1 mini for the wireless controller and elapsed time display. I am close to using an inexpensive wrist watch($35) as the wireless controller/display. I have all of the components working, but all of the help on the watch uses installed (not cloud) Arduino so there's another reason for moving to the installed IDE.
I hadn't planned on receiving help so quickly. I'll be back after I get stuff done
I believe that you should use whichever version (or versions) that suit you best
Personally I use only the desktop IDE because that suits me
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