please explain instead of just pointing out where the error is, why is this section a problem and what direction do i need to go in with intentions of correcting it?
consider i have much more to learn lol. but hey at least they light up XD
the colors and order/quantity are setup in the array, so i shouldnt have needed to write any values as remainder of the sketch should just call up the array and print it
You have an array with 16 values, presumably ne for each LED although the values do not match
0-5 = pink
6-13 = Yellow
14-16 = Green
but put that aside for now
Use a for loop from 0 to 15
Use the for loop value to pick the value at that position in the array and use it again to write the value to the corresponding LED
In reply #2, I highlighted a fault with your for loop.
This causes the code in your for loop to write to memory that you don't have any right to read or write
When the variable i has the value 16, you are filling some memory location(s). They do not belong to your leds array and you have the risk that you overwrite something critical.
The order of the colours in the WS2812B might be different from what you told FastLED that it will be (the RGB in below).
well i got highly fustrated with this, i cant help but feel like there should be a far simpler way to send a color to a specific led in a strip and duplicate that and merely change the led number and color
all these for statements are confusing me and im not really understanding the statements
In the code there is a single for loop that sets the colour of each LED in turn and it gets the colour from the myColors array. In your project you can add as many LEDs as you like as long as there is a colour for each one in the myColors array