Feasibility of Smart Lamp

Hi, This is my first post.
I was wondering how feasible an Arduino powered "Smart Lamp" is.
Something similar to this on kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/588318042/luma-a-smartlamp-for-the-21st-century?ref=category

I was wondering how feasible an Arduino powered "Smart Lamp" is.
Something similar to this on kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/588318042/luma-a-smartlamp-for-the-21st-century?ref=category

I guess it is pretty feasible if they're already doing it.

I guess it is pretty feasible if they're already doing it.

I like to say, "If it happens, it must be possible." :smiley:

I like to say, "If it happens, it must be possible."

That's playing it safe.... XD