Feedback Wanted – Improving Arduino Shopping in the UK

Hi everyone!

We’re setting up as a UK-based Arduino distributor and want to tailor our offerings to your needs.

What resources or tools would make your Arduino experience easier? Are there specific complimentary products or bundles you’d find useful? Also, we’d love to hear about your past buying experiences—good or bad!

Lastly, if we were to run a competition, what would be the best prize in your opinion? Your input will help us serve you better!

Thanks so much for your time.

Kind regards,
Switch Electronics

You don't mention if this is brick-and mortar or online. What I always appreciate on an online shop

  1. Links to schematics of products.
  2. Links to datasheets of the (main) components used in the schematic.
  3. Links to libraries to be used (if applicable).

Example: Misses the schematic but I think that in this case it's not needed (would be nice though).

1 Like

Hi there!

Thanks so much for your thoughtful response. It's great to hear how online resources like schematics, datasheets, and libraries are important and utilised. We operate primarily as an online store but also offer local collection.

I’m curious—do you think having as much information as possible is always useful, or can too much be overwhelming? We really want to strike the right balance. Your feedback will help us ensure we provide the most helpful resources for everyone.

Thanks again for sharing!

Kind regards,

Hey sterretje,

Thanks again for your input. I'm eager to get some more visibility and feedback on this post and can see you're a bit of a veteran round here.

Without spamming or irritating the MODs with posts in incorrect categories, do you have any suggestions on boosting the post?

Your time and any help is much appreciated.


I don't think so.

For the example of the BME280 page, you can add a link to another page with the wiring and code example.

Your topic has had 23 views at the time of writing this reply; but only one user replied. So the subject might not live for many people and boosting the post will probably not help much.

You're only allowed to post in one category. Boosting can be done by adding a new reply after a reasonable time. Something like "Anybody other suggestions?" might work for your topic.

Anyway, it now has been boosted due to my reply :smiley:

Thanks again for the information, and the boost.

Hopefully I'll be able to reach more of the community through another channel.

Take care, and keep making :slight_smile:

@Switch_Electronics ,

Your topic was moved to its current location as it is more suitable.

Could you also take a few moments to Learn How To Use The Forum.

It will help you get the best out of the forum in the future.

Thank you


Thanks for moving the topic to a more suitable category, and for the link to forum 101.

I've had a good read and will apply it to my future posts/messages.

Thanks for being part of the community, I hope to get to know more contributors and hobbyists around here :slight_smile:
