I'm feeling really disappointed with my ID-12LA at the moment.
I'm powering it with a variable voltage wall outlet that I bought today, which is on 9V and 0.65A output.
The centre pin is positive and it gives out DC.
I soldered the RFID reader to the breakout board, then I connected the Ground and FS pin to the Leonardo's Ground pin, the Reset and 5V pin to the leonardo's Vin Pin, and the D0 pin to the leonardo's Rx (0) pin.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
// The RFID module's TX pin needs to be connected to the Arduino.
#define rxPin 4
#define txPin 5
// Create a software serial object for the connection to the RFID module
SoftwareSerial rfid = SoftwareSerial( rxPin, txPin );
// Set up outputs
#define futureOutput 12
#define ledPin 13
// Specify how long the output should be held.
#define unlockSeconds 2
// The tag database consists of two parts. The first part is an array of
// tag values with each tag taking up 5 bytes. The second is a list of
// names with one name for each tag (ie: group of 5 bytes). You can expand
// or shrink this as you see fit. Tags 2 and 3 are only there for example.
char* allowedTags[] = {
"2900940E95", // Tag 2
"ABC123DE45", // Tag 3
// List of names to associate with the matching tag IDs
char* tagName[] = {
"[ADD YOUR NAME HERE]", // Tag 1
"Mark Trussell", // Tag 2
"NAME 3", // Tag 3
// Check the number of tags defined
int numberOfTags = sizeof(allowedTags)/sizeof(allowedTags[0]);
int incomingByte = 0; // To store incoming serial data
* Setup
void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
pinMode(futureOutput, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(futureOutput, LOW);
Serial.begin(9600); // Serial port for connection to host
rfid.begin(9600); // Serial port for connection to RFID module
Serial.println("RFID Reader Initialized");
* Loop
void loop() {
byte i = 0;
byte val = 0;
byte checksum = 0;
byte bytesRead = 0;
byte tempByte = 0;
byte tagBytes[6]; // "Unique" tags are only 5 bytes but we need an extra byte for the checksum
char tagValue[10];
// Read from the RFID module. Because this connection uses SoftwareSerial
// there is no equivalent to the Serial.available() function, so at this
// point the program blocks while waiting for a value from the module
if((val = rfid.read()) == 2) { // Check for header
bytesRead = 0;
while (bytesRead < 12) { // Read 10 digit code + 2 digit checksum
val = rfid.read();
// Append the first 10 bytes (0 to 9) to the raw tag value
if (bytesRead < 10)
tagValue[bytesRead] = val;
// Check if this is a header or stop byte before the 10 digit reading is complete
if((val == 0x0D)||(val == 0x0A)||(val == 0x03)||(val == 0x02)) {
break; // Stop reading
// Ascii/Hex conversion:
if ((val >= '0') && (val <= '9')) {
val = val - '0';
else if ((val >= 'A') && (val <= 'F')) {
val = 10 + val - 'A';
// Every two hex-digits, add a byte to the code:
if (bytesRead & 1 == 1) {
// Make space for this hex-digit by shifting the previous digit 4 bits to the left
tagBytes[bytesRead >> 1] = (val | (tempByte << 4));
if (bytesRead >> 1 != 5) { // If we're at the checksum byte,
checksum ^= tagBytes[bytesRead >> 1]; // Calculate the checksum... (XOR)
} else {
tempByte = val; // Store the first hex digit first
bytesRead++; // Ready to read next digit
// Send the result to the host connected via USB
if (bytesRead == 12) { // 12 digit read is complete
tagValue[10] = '\0'; // Null-terminate the string
Serial.print("Tag read: ");
for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
// Add a leading 0 to pad out values below 16
if (tagBytes < 16) {
Serial.print(tagBytes, HEX);
Serial.print("Checksum: ");
Serial.print(tagBytes[5], HEX);
Serial.println(tagBytes[5] == checksum ? " -- passed." : " -- error.");
// Show the raw tag value
Serial.print("VALUE: ");
// Search the tag database for this particular tag
int tagId = findTag( tagValue );
// Only fire the strike plate if this tag was found in the database
if( tagId > 0 )
Serial.print("Authorized tag ID ");
Serial.print(": unlocking for ");
Serial.println(tagName[tagId - 1]); // Get the name for this tag from the database
unlock(); // Fire the strike plate to open the lock
} else {
Serial.println("Tag not authorized");
Serial.println(); // Blank separator line in output
bytesRead = 0;
* Fire the relay to activate the strike plate for the configured
* number of seconds.
void unlock() {
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(futureOutput, HIGH);
delay(unlockSeconds * 1000);
digitalWrite(futureOutput, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
* Search for a specific tag in the database
int findTag( char tagValue[10] ) {
for (int thisCard = 0; thisCard < numberOfTags; thisCard++) {
// Check if the tag value matches this row in the tag database
if(strcmp(tagValue, allowedTags[thisCard]) == 0)
// The row in the database starts at 0, so add 1 to the result so
// that the card ID starts from 1 instead (0 represents "no match")
return(thisCard + 1);
// If we don't find the tag return a tag ID of 0 to show there was no match
I took the liberty of cutting and pasting your code into the IDE, applying the auto-format tool and reposting.
I confess I'm worried about all those local variables in "loop", but it's late.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
// The RFID module's TX pin needs to be connected to the Arduino.
#define rxPin 4
#define txPin 5
// Create a software serial object for the connection to the RFID module
SoftwareSerial rfid = SoftwareSerial( rxPin, txPin );
// Set up outputs
#define futureOutput 12
#define ledPin 13
// Specify how long the output should be held.
#define unlockSeconds 2
// The tag database consists of two parts. The first part is an array of
// tag values with each tag taking up 5 bytes. The second is a list of
// names with one name for each tag (ie: group of 5 bytes). You can expand
// or shrink this as you see fit. Tags 2 and 3 are only there for example.
char* allowedTags[] = {
"2900940E95", // Tag 2
"ABC123DE45", // Tag 3
// List of names to associate with the matching tag IDs
char* tagName[] = {
"[ADD YOUR NAME HERE]", // Tag 1
"Mark Trussell", // Tag 2
"NAME 3", // Tag 3
// Check the number of tags defined
int numberOfTags = sizeof(allowedTags)/sizeof(allowedTags[0]);
int incomingByte = 0; // To store incoming serial data
* Setup
void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
pinMode(futureOutput, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(futureOutput, LOW);
Serial.begin(9600); // Serial port for connection to host
rfid.begin(9600); // Serial port for connection to RFID module
Serial.println("RFID Reader Initialized");
* Loop
void loop() {
byte i = 0;
byte val = 0;
byte checksum = 0;
byte bytesRead = 0;
byte tempByte = 0;
byte tagBytes[6]; // "Unique" tags are only 5 bytes but we need an extra byte for the checksum
char tagValue[10];
// Read from the RFID module. Because this connection uses SoftwareSerial
// there is no equivalent to the Serial.available() function, so at this
// point the program blocks while waiting for a value from the module
if((val = rfid.read()) == 2) { // Check for header
bytesRead = 0;
while (bytesRead < 12) { // Read 10 digit code + 2 digit checksum
val = rfid.read();
// Append the first 10 bytes (0 to 9) to the raw tag value
if (bytesRead < 10)
tagValue[bytesRead] = val;
// Check if this is a header or stop byte before the 10 digit reading is complete
if((val == 0x0D)||(val == 0x0A)||(val == 0x03)||(val == 0x02)) {
break; // Stop reading
// Ascii/Hex conversion:
if ((val >= '0') && (val <= '9')) {
val = val - '0';
else if ((val >= 'A') && (val <= 'F')) {
val = 10 + val - 'A';
// Every two hex-digits, add a byte to the code:
if (bytesRead & 1 == 1) {
// Make space for this hex-digit by shifting the previous digit 4 bits to the left
tagBytes[bytesRead >> 1] = (val | (tempByte << 4));
if (bytesRead >> 1 != 5) { // If we're at the checksum byte,
checksum ^= tagBytes[bytesRead >> 1]; // Calculate the checksum... (XOR)
else {
tempByte = val; // Store the first hex digit first
bytesRead++; // Ready to read next digit
// Send the result to the host connected via USB
if (bytesRead == 12) { // 12 digit read is complete
tagValue[10] = '\0'; // Null-terminate the string
Serial.print("Tag read: ");
for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
// Add a leading 0 to pad out values below 16
if (tagBytes < 16) {
Serial.print(tagBytes, HEX);
Serial.print("Checksum: ");
Serial.print(tagBytes[5], HEX);
Serial.println(tagBytes[5] == checksum ? " -- passed." : " -- error.");
// Show the raw tag value
Serial.print("VALUE: ");
// Search the tag database for this particular tag
int tagId = findTag( tagValue );
// Only fire the strike plate if this tag was found in the database
if( tagId > 0 )
Serial.print("Authorized tag ID ");
Serial.print(": unlocking for ");
Serial.println(tagName[tagId - 1]); // Get the name for this tag from the database
unlock(); // Fire the strike plate to open the lock
else {
Serial.println("Tag not authorized");
Serial.println(); // Blank separator line in output
bytesRead = 0;
* Fire the relay to activate the strike plate for the configured
* number of seconds.
void unlock() {
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(futureOutput, HIGH);
delay(unlockSeconds * 1000);
digitalWrite(futureOutput, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
* Search for a specific tag in the database
int findTag( char tagValue[10] ) {
for (int thisCard = 0; thisCard < numberOfTags; thisCard++) {
// Check if the tag value matches this row in the tag database
if(strcmp(tagValue, allowedTags[thisCard]) == 0)
// The row in the database starts at 0, so add 1 to the result so
// that the card ID starts from 1 instead (0 represents "no match")
return(thisCard + 1);
// If we don't find the tag return a tag ID of 0 to show there was no match