FEETECH SCS20 TTL(Smart) 360 Servo Motor with Arduino

Hi there,
I am working on a project with SERVO MOTORS and developed a code that was working fine.
For better performance I have switched to "FEETECH SCS20 TTL(Smart) 360 Servo Motor" but having trouble with operating them now.

I want to know about the following points regrding TTL servos.

  • Please Suggest a Library for them. (I have found SCServo.h- But don't have an idea how to code with it)

  • Is there any way to use TTL Servo without URT-1?

  • Any link/website/tutorial regarding operating TTL Servo with Arduino?

I am Attaching the picture of my TTL Servo

P.S: You may find some of my queries as inappropriate, but consider me as NOOB with SMART (TTL) SERVOS.

Any help is welcomed.

Thank you.

Do you have a link to the technical data on the TTL servos you have? That may answer a lot of questions.

I've never heard of a "URT-1". All the documentation and examples I can see say you need a "TTL Linker" to use these servos. Do you have one? Is that a "URT-1"?

For example see http://www.feetechrc.com/news/about-new-ft-scservo-smart-control-servo-coming-soon/
