Hallo zusammen
Ich bin gerade daran eine Feinstaubdatenlogger zu bauen, welcher mittels einem Feinstaubsensor und einem DHT22 Sensor, die Messwerte PM10, PM2.5, Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit erfasst.
Ich benutze dazu ein Arduino R3 UNO Board und ein Data Logger Shield für Arduino MicroSD Card mit RTC. Das Data Logger Shield ist am Pin 9, der DHT am Pin 2 und der Feinstaubsensor am Pin 5 und 6 angeschlossen.
Ich habe alles einzeln geteste und es hat auch funktioniert. Nun wollte ich die Programmierung zusammenfügen und die Aufzeichnung auf der SD Karte verbessern. Nun erhalte ich aber ein Fehlermeldung beim Kompilieren, leider kann ich den Fehler nicht alleine lösen. Deshalb hoffe ich, dass mir hier jemand sagen kann, was ich ändern muss.
Die Fehlermeldung ist:
Arduino: 1.8.9 (Windows Store (Windows 10), Board: "Arduino/Genuino Uno"
In function 'void loop()':
Datalogger_Feinstaub2:143:9: error: expected initializer before 'strDate'
strDate = String((int)date1.year());
Datalogger_Feinstaub2:154:18: error: 'dataFile' was not declared in this scope
Datalogger_Feinstaub2:156:46: error: 'FILE_Write' was not declared in this scope
File dataFile = SD.open("datalog.txt", FILE_Write); //open file
In function 'String twoDigit(int)':
Datalogger_Feinstaub2:203:25: error: 'String2' was not declared in this scope
return String("0" + String2); //pad with leading zero
Mehrere Bibliotheken wurden für "SD.h" gefunden
Nicht benutzt: Arduino\libraries\SD-master
exit status 1
expected initializer before 'strDate'
Und noch der Sketch
#include <cactus_io_DHT22.h>
#include <DHT.h>
#include <SPI.h> //SPI communication with SD-card controller
#include <SD.h> //SD-Card headers
#include <Wire.h> //I2C communication with RTC (Real Time Clock)
#include "RTClib.h" //Real Time Clock header
RTC_DS1307 rtc; //define the Real Time Clock object // Adafruit SD-card logger
#include <SoftwareSerial.h> //Header for serial communication with sensor(s)
SoftwareSerial portTwo(5, 6);
int Nova_PM25;
int Nova_PM10;
unsigned long Sum_PM25;
unsigned long Sum_PM10;
int nSamples;
#define DHT22_Pin 2 //what pin on the Arduino is the DHT22 data line connected to
int a,b,c,d,e,f=0;
unsigned long my_time=0;
unsigned long sec = 1000;
unsigned long tmp=0;
unsigned long currentTime;
// Initialize DHT sensor for normal 16mhz Arduino.
DHT22 dht(DHT22_Pin);
/* Generic logging variables */
boolean boolStart=true;
const unsigned long loggerInt=30UL; // logger intervall, seconds. Should not be less than 30 seconds. "UL" means Unsigned Long integer
unsigned long nextLog;
unsigned long micro0;
unsigned long micro1;
unsigned long micro2; //present time + 1 second (10^6 microseconds)
/*Miscellaneous constants */
const char charDash='-';
const char charColon=':';
void setup() {
// Open serial communications and wait for port to open:
while (!Serial) {;} // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only
SD.begin(9); //Digital pin 10 is for Adafruit SD-shield
// Serial.println("DHT22 Humidity - Temperature Sensor");
// Serial.println("RH\t\tTemp (C)\tTemp");
//Inovafitness sensor:
DateTime date1 = rtc.now();
nextLog= long(date1.unixtime());
void loop() {
unsigned long thisLog;
String strLine;
String strDate;
int ii;
char index;
char receiveflag;
int receiveSum;
unsigned char _buffer[32]; //32-byte buffer for reading serial bus
//Check if any reads failed and exit early (to try again).
if (isnan(dht.humidity) || isnan(dht.temperature_C))
Serial.println("DHT sensor read failure!");
// Serial.print(dht.humidity); Serial-print ("%\t");
// Serial.print(dht.temperature_C);
// Serial.print(" *C\t");
// Serial.print("Time: ");
// Wait a few seconds between measurements. The DHT22 should not be read at a higher frequency of
// about once every 2 seconds. So we add a 3 second delay to cober this.
// Temperatur and humidity measurement
if (micro1<micro0) {// In case the Counter overflows (gets automatically zeroed) approx every 70 minutes.
micro2=micro1+1000000; //reset second target
} else if (micro2<=micro1) {// if 1 second passed
// Read Inovafitness sensor:
//Step1: read 10 bytes from serial bus
while (portTwo.available() && index !=10) {
_buffer[index] = portTwo.read();
while (portTwo.read() != -1) {}
//Step2: Check the package integrity
if (_buffer[0] == 0xAA && _buffer[1] == 0xC0 && _buffer[9] == 0xAB) {
receiveSum = 0;
for (int i = 2; i < 8; i++) {receiveSum += _buffer[i];}
if ((receiveSum & 0xFF) == _buffer[8]) { //package is valid
Nova_PM25 = ((_buffer[3] << 8) + _buffer[2]);
Nova_PM10 = ((_buffer[5] << 8) + _buffer[4]);
Sum_PM25 += (long)Nova_PM25;
Sum_PM10 += (long)Nova_PM10;
nSamples += 1;
micro2=micro2+1000000; // next log in 1 second
DateTime date1 = rtc.now(); //read time from Real Time Clock (RTC)
thisLog = long(date1.unixtime()); //convert time to integer seconds
if (nextLog <= thisLog) { void twoDigits (int sec, int min, int hrs, String title)
strDate = String((int)date1.year());
strDate += charDash;
strDate += twoDigit((int)date1.month());
strDate += charDash;
strDate += twoDigit((int)date1.day());
strDate += ' ';
strDate += twoDigit((int)date1.hour());
strDate += charColon;
strDate += twoDigit((int)date1.minute());
strDate += charColon;
strDate += twoDigit((int)date1.second());
File dataFile = SD.open("datalog.txt", FILE_Write); //open file
if (dataFile) { //file is availabel, write to it:
if (boolStart) { //Write column header
// "\n"=new line, "\t"=tab
// make a string for assembling the data to log:
if (nSamples==0) nSamples=-1; //prevent divide by zero if there is no data. Outputs negative value instead
strLine = strDate;
strLine += "\t";
strLine += (float)Sum_PM25/(float)(10*nSamples);
strLine += "\t";
strLine += (float)Sum_PM10/(float)(10*nSamples);
strLine += "\t";
strLine += (dht.humidity);
strLine += "\t";
strLine += (dht.temperature_C);
strLine += "\t";
// strLine += nSamples;
Serial.println(strLine); //print to the serial port too:
// Serial.print("\t");
} else // file isn't open, pop up an error:
Serial.println("error opening datalog.txt");
nextLog=nextLog+loggerInt; //logger interval
micro1 = micros(); //reset timer for Shinyei
} //endif date=nextLog
} //endif micro2<micro1 (1 second logger-interval)
String twoDigit(int ii){
// Converts an integer to a rght-justified two-character string lefft-padded with zeros, e.g. 1 => "01"
// This function is used to output date/time, e.g. months, minutes, hours, minutes, seconds
String string2=String(ii);
if (ii<10){
return String("0" + String2); //pad with leading zero
} else {
return string2;
Vielen Dank für die Hilfe
Gruss Daniel