almost did it again
Itchy exclamation button finger? LOL.
1.do i really need speed cotnroller?? what it does?
The purpose of a speed controller (ESC) in a quadcopter is three-fold: 1) it controls the speed of the motors, 2) it provides a simple interface to the (usually BLDC) motors, 3) it provides a level of protection to the user from inadvertent activation of the motors, via incorporation of an "arming sequence".
the arduino generate pwm singal it self to controll speed and i can use transistors right?
In theory you could, in practice, not so much - at least for a quad-copter. The reason why quad-copters in general use BLDC motors instead of brushed motors (which could use a simple transistor or mosfet and PWM for speed control) is that BLDC motors provide an insane level of thrust-to-weight ratio compared to brushed motors; it is really the reason why just about all hobby R/C applications have switched to using such motors.
Furthermore, because there are no brushes, they don't wear out as quickly, nor are they difficult to service and maintain. Because of the way they are driven, tuning can be done easily in software (for brushed motors, you could tune them by rotation of the end-bell, changing the orientation of the brush angles in relation to the magnets, to allow you to gain speed at a trade-off of torque in a given rotational direction).
If this weren't the case, we would have seen lower-cost electric UAVs like quad-copters much sooner than we did; software not-withstanding - though I am pretty sure the software to do everything existed long before we saw the first quad-copter appear on the scene - much of the cost reduction has come from all of the parts becoming insanely cheap due to cell phones incorporating most of them - and the motors were the ultimate icing on the cake, so to speak (you could purchase in the 80s and 90s electric helicopters that used brushed motors, but they tended to be expensive and didn't have very long flight times).
2. doesn't sharing both batterys (9-12v for motor and ardunos 5v) GND damage any batterys???
It shouldn't - but in a standard quad-copter setup using BLDC motors and ESCs, you would have what is called a "battery eliminator circuit" (BEC) installed to output regulated 5 VDC to power the Arduino (or whatever other flight controller and sensors you are using) - you don't use separate batteries (because that just adds weight - the goal of a flying quad is to reduce weight anywhere and everywhere you can).
3. whit a transsitor i can controll speed riight?
4.ways to controll a motor
In theory, you can control a BLDC motor using transistors (well, mosfets would be the real choice) - but it isn't easy at all; ultimately you would want essentially a standalone Arduino per motor, with the mosfets controlling the coils, and other circuitry needed to allow you to read back-EMF to switch the coils properly; in short, you would likely be re-creating the ESC for each motor, and probably doing a poor job of it, ultimately. Not to mention the fact that you would likely spend more money doing it this way, rather than purchasing the ESCs pre-built.
5.good supply for motors!?
I am not sure what you are meaning by this? Do you mean power supply, or places to purchase such motors? If the latter, then any well stock hobby shop will have them, otherwise Ebay, Hobby King, Tower Hobbies, etc - tons of online hobby places carry such motors. You should probably do more research to see what others have successfully used (mainly in the case of size of the motors for the size of their craft), then start pricing out the motors needed from vendors.
6.why steppers got 4 wires? what are other 2?
I have never seen a stepper motor with only two wires - that said, you cannot and do not want to try to use stepper motors for a quad-copter; you'll never get enough thrust for their weight.
5. brushless dc motor is just like others controll sameway its jsut brushless?
No - brushless DC motors (BLDC) closest cousin (in manner of the way they work) would be a 3-phase AC induction motor, but even that isn't quite the same. BLDC motors certainly don't work the same as brushed DC motors, and there are also two different kinds of BLDC motors (sensored and sensorless) - though in the hobby RC field, just about all off-the-shelf BLDC motors (and associated ESCs) will be of the sensorless variety.