FFB With UnoJoy?

Hello. I am currently building a DIY steering wheel. However, every tutorial online tells that I need an Arduino leonardo, which I do not have. (I have an Arduino Uno)

I found a workaround for this by using a library called UnoJoy. However, this only seems to work for the encoder and reading the value to turn the wheel.

Is there a way to possibly use UnoJoy for force feedback? Or, is there any way for me to get force feedback using Arduino Uno?

For reference, I am using the following components:
1. Arduino Uno
2. Pro-orange Incremental Rotary Encoder (600 PPR)
3. BTS7960 Motor Driver
4. RS775 Motor
5. 5A Power Supply

It is not a workaround if it does not work.
Try the Leonardo.