Figuring out how to get the difference between 2 values

Hi there,

Stupid simple title I know, but I'm having issues with finding the difference between 2 values that I am reading from 2 sensors. I am getting correct values for the angles of each sensor (with respect to gravity) but no matter the values, my code is outputting a 0 value and I'm not quite sure why or how to fix it.

I've tried moving things from different loops, and declaring variables in different places but something isn't working as I intend it to.

I've included below the code, the libraries for the 2 sensors (MPU9250 & MPU6050), as well as a screencap of the serial monitor output.

Thanks in advance for any help or tips,


#include "Wire.h"
#include "Math.h"
#include "I2Cdev.h"
#include "MPU9250.h"
#include "MPU6050.h"

MPU9250 One;
MPU6050 Two(0x69);

I2Cdev I2C_M;

uint8_t buffer_m[6];

//Initializes the variables for sensors 1 & 2
int16_t ax1, ay1, az1;
int16_t gx1, gy1, gz1;
int16_t mx1, my1, mz1;
int16_t ax2, ay2, az2;
int16_t gx2, gy2, gz2;
int16_t mx2, my2, mz2;
//Initializes the arrays for sensors 1 & 2
float OneAxyz[3];
float TwoAxyz[3];
float Gxyz[3];
float Mxyz[3];
float Oneangle[3];
float Twoangle[3];
float kneeangle[3];
//#define sample_num_mdate  5000 

//set up
void setup() 
  //initializes the 2 sensors
  // join I2C bus
  // initialise serial communication
  // sets baud rate

void loop() 
 // calls the values
 //prints the values
 Serial.println("Angle 1");
 Serial.println(" ");
 Serial.println("Angle 2");
 Serial.println(" ");
 Serial.println("Knee Angle");
 Serial.println(" ");
 // delay between each value 

//Sensor One Address: 0x68

void getAccel_DataOne(void)
  One.getMotion9(&ax1, &ay1, &az1, &gx1, &gy1, &gz1, &mx1, &my1, &mz1);
  OneAxyz[1] = (double) ay1 / 16384;

void getAngleOne(void)
  float angleyone = acos(OneAxyz[1]);
  Oneangle[1] = (double) 180 * angleyone / PI;

//Sensor Two Address: 0x69

void getAccel_DataTwo(void)
  Two.getMotion9(&ax2, &ay2, &az2, &gx2, &gy2, &gz2, &mx2, &my2, &mz2);
  TwoAxyz[1] = (double) ay2 / 16384;
void getAngleTwo(void) //0x69
  float angleytwo = acos(TwoAxyz[1]);
  Twoangle[1] = (double) 180 * angleytwo / PI;

void getKneeAngle(void)
  int kneeanglecalc = (Twoangle[1]-Oneangle[1]);
  kneeangle[1] = (double) kneeanglecalc;
} (65.8 KB) (84.4 KB)

I can't see any attempt in your program to get the difference between any pair of numbers.

And there will be a big problem here if you call this function - because it then calls itself and will cause the Arduino to crash.

void getKneeAngle(void)
  int kneeanglecalc = (Twoangle[1]-Oneangle[1]);
  kneeangle[1] = (double) kneeanglecalc;


Further to Robin2's comment, you have created a recursive function that calls itself over and over again until it the Arduino runs out of stack memory and then crashes/restarts.

You may have more success with

void getKneeAngle(void)
  int kneeanglecalc = (Twoangle[1]-Oneangle[1]);
  kneeangle[1] = (double) kneeanglecalc;
  int kneeanglecalc = (Twoangle[1]-Oneangle[1]);
  kneeangle[1] = (double) kneeanglecalc;

I can't see any good reason for getting the difference between two floats, and storing that difference in an int variable that you then cast to a double to store in a float.

Paying attention to types IS important.


  int kneeanglecalc = (Twoangle[1]-Oneangle[1]);

kneeangle[1] = (double) kneeanglecalc;

I can't see any good reason for getting the difference between two floats, and storing that difference in an int variable that you then cast to a double to store in a float.

Paying attention to types IS important.

So write it as

  float kneeanglecalc = (Twoangle[1]-Oneangle[1]);
  kneeangle[1] = (double) kneeanglecalc;


What about not casting nor converting it....

What about not casting nor converting it....

How do you mean? I'm pretty new to coding so don't really know how to correctly write it, i pretty much copied the formatting of the example sketch that came with the sensor library

From where did you get the idea to randomly insert word like "float" and "double"? Don't, do a little bit of reading. Look at some examples and tutorials. Granted, a lot are rubbish for most part but little "randomly" insert words without explaining it :wink:

So write it as


kneeangle[1] = Twoangle[1] - Oneangle[1];
