File Locations Changed


I am working with an Arduino Leonardo using the Arduino IDE version 1.6.7 and wanted to play about with the HID side of it. Sending normal keystrokes is easy enough but I would also like to send extended keys like the multimedia control keys of modern keyboards or even joystick controls but they are not built in to the standard Arduino HID library.

I have done a lot of research about doing this and there are many tutorials on the net but they have not been updated to reflect changes in the versions of the Arduino IDE! They refer to making changes to HID.cpp in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\cores\arduino". However this folder does not exist, I see an alternative of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\cores\arduino" but HID.cpp does not exist in there!

The only place I can find an HID.cpp file is in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\libraries\HID" but there also appears to be the same code split into 2 files called keyboard.cpp in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\Keyboard\src" and mouse.cpp in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\Mouse\src".

Would I just have to edit the moved HID.cpp or would I have to edit the keyboard.cpp and mouse.cpp files?

Why hasn't the full HID functionality been catered for in the Arduino IDE? It seems daft to exclude the ability to send extended multimedia keys and to not include joystick support! And for them to continue to not fully support the HID standard despite many calls for help on the subject in at least 2 years seems equally daft. Then they go and move the source files around so it's even harder to follow tutorials on the subject :confused:

Why hasn't the full HID functionality been catered for in the Arduino IDE?

Some thoughtful person decided to leave an opportunity for you to contribute to the project :slight_smile:


Some thoughtful person decided to leave an opportunity for you to contribute to the project :slight_smile:


Well, I would if I knew which files to edit: The HID.cpp file or the keyboard.cpp and mouse.cpp files.

HID.cpp has the functions from the keyboard&mouse files so I need to know which gets used when I compile a project that includes keyboard/mouse functionality :slight_smile:

I am an experienced programmer, though a bit rusty, but I am totally new to the Arduino.