File permissions issue Windows 11

I had to go into properties for c:\program files\Arduino IDE before IDE 2.0 could access this folder....this is crazy! Anyone else experience this issue?


Hi @webguye. Thanks for your report.

Please provide a detailed description of what you mean by "properties".

What exactly did you have to do in the "properties"?

What was the exact symptom that occurred when it couldn't access the folder?

I should add this has everything to do with Windows 11 and not the Arduino IDE.....I couldn't save changes I made to the Blink sketch until I changed folder permissions .... again, nothing wrong with the IDE, just another Windows 11 pain in the rear issue.


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On my system the changes to permissions change when I get a windows update. Then I have to change them again. Do the changes you made stick?


The big question is "permissions to what". To run the IDE? Or access to certain directories in AppData? Or to your sketches?

Which Windows version (Win11 as well)? I'm using Win10 and have not had a permission issue (yet).

Windows 11 home OS BUILD 22621.819. File permissions for the user.

The board manager loses the Arduino-ESP32. If I uninstall and reinstall then the examples for ESP32 will reappear.
I hope the Arduino team can fix it soon.

Please provide a more detailed explanation of what you mean by this. The term "Boards Manager" does have a specific meaning, but people sometimes use the term incorrectly.

Are you saying that this entry is no longer present in Boards Manager?:

Do you have any specific reasons to think Arduino IDE is changing the permissions?

I'm not denying it, but you say the permissions change is triggered by a Windows update, and others have reached the conclusion that Windows is changing them, not Arduino IDE:

The Red circle is the entry in the BOARDS MANAGER i was referring to.
After updates (Windows,program installs etc..). When you go to Files- Examples-the example sketch (which would be under "Examples from Custom Libraries", in the Arduino IDE, the examples for ESP don't appear. But if I uninstall, by the version tab and reinstall it the examples all appear.

As far as whether Windows or Arduino fault is concerned. Without having the knowledge that the team does I'm just trying to help you to figure out how to fix the problem. I doubt Microsoft cares and I have tried to work with them to no avail. They of course said it's the Arduino programs fault. If there is something I could do when it happens again, let me know. I would be glad to help.

Please provide an example of one of these "examples for ESP".

Are you certain they are under "Examples from Custom Libraries"? Normally if someone says "examples for ESP", I would expect they are referring to the examples of the libraries that are bundled with the ESP32 boards platform:

but those are under the "Examples for <board name>" section of the File > Examples menu:

I ask because these examples are unique in that they only show up when you have an ESP32 board selected. When you select a different board from the Tools > Board menu (or have no board at all selected), the contents of this section of the menu are different (or absent). The examples under the "Examples from Custom Libraries" section are from the globally installed libraries and so are not dependent on the board selection.

Yes I select the board Esp 32 dev first.

Both the Board and Comm port show connected in the Arduino IDE
Is the something I can do when it happens in the future. That would help the team to get more info.

So if you run into it again, try to determine the exact conditions the bug occurs under. The key to being able to fix a bug is being able to reproduce the bug. If you can provide detailed instructions the developers can follow to reliably reproduce the bug, that would give them and those who will validate they potential fix they prepare a huge head start.

There is a known bug where examples are sometimes missing from the File > Examples menu:

This might happen if you open the menu before the IDE is finished populating the menu. In this case, all the examples should be shown if you wait a little while and then open the menu again.

Another variant would be that the menu never populates. In this case, all the examples should be shown in the new window you get after you select File > New from the Arduino IDE menus or when you restart the IDE entirely.

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