hope fully this explanation should help you understand how that function works a bit better (forget where I have got it! )
CAN Masks & Filters 101:
The Rx Mask is nothing more than a bit level switch to enable or disable the filter bits.
(assume 11 bit Id)
If the Mask is set to a value of 0b00000000111 (0x0007) then only bits 0,1 & 2 of the filter bits will be used to filter the received Id against.
The Rx filter is used to check the received CAN Id against. If a match is detected on the active filter bits, then the received CAN message is placed in the Rx buffer, else the CAN message is discarded.
(assume 11 bit Id)
Eg 1/
Mask Value: 0b11111111111 (0x03FF) (all filter bits enabled)
Filter Value: 0b11111111111 (0x03FF)
The Rx buffer will only receive CAN frames with an Id of 0x03FF
Eg 2/
Mask Value: 0b11111111111 (0x03FF) (all filter bits enabled)
Filter Value: 0b11111111110 (0x03FE)
The Rx buffer will only receive CAN frames with an Id of 0x03FE
Eg 3/
Mask Value: 0b11111111110 (0x03FE)
Filter Value: 0b11111111111 (0x03FF)
The Rx buffer will receive CAN frames with an Id of 0x03FE or 0x03FF as bit 0 of the filter bit is disabled.
Eg 4/
Mask Value: 0b11111111110 (0x03FE)
Filter Value: 0b11111111110 (0x03FE)
The Rx buffer will receive CAN frames with an Id of 0x03FE or 0x03FF as bit 0 of the filter bit is disabled.
Eg 5/
Mask Value: 0b11111111111 (0x03FF) (all filter bits enabled)
Filter Value: 0b11111111000 (0x03F8)
The Rx buffer will only receive CAN frames with an Id of 0x03F8
Eg 6/
Mask Value: 0b11111111000 (0x03F8)
Filter Value: 0b11111111000 (0x03F8)
The Rx buffer will receive CAN frames with an Id of 0x03F8,0x03F9,0x03FA,0x03FB,0x03FC,0x03FD,0x03FE,0x03FF as bit 0,1 & 2 of the filter bits are disabled.
Eg 7/
Mask Value: 0b11111111111 (0x03FF) (all filter bits enabled)
Filter Value: 0b00000000000 (0x0000)
The Rx buffer will only receive CAN frames with an Id of 0x000
Eg 8/
Mask Value: 0b11111111111 (0x03FF) (all filter bits enabled)
Filter Value: 0b00000000001 (0x0001)
The Rx buffer will only receive CAN frames with an Id of 0x001
Eg 9/
Mask Value: 0b11111111000 (0x03F8)
Filter Value: 0b00000000000 (0x0000)
The Rx buffer will receive CAN frames with an Id of 0x000,0x001,0x002,0x003,0x004,0x005,0x006,0x007 as bit 0,1 & 2 of the filter bits are disabled.
Eg 10/
Mask Value: 0b00000000111 (0x0007)
Filter Value: 0b00000000000 (0x0000)
The Rx buffer will receive CAN frames that end either 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (0x121 = accepted, 0x0128 = discarded)