find & burn correct bootloader AtMega168

I'm new at Arduino. I have got:

  • HW: PCB Single sided Arduino s3v3 (Severino)

  • Chip: blank AtMega168

Now I would like to burn the bootloader to chip.

  • The programming tool I have: AVR dragon

My question:
which bootloader should I use ? Is this one OK?
( ->

I would start with the most appropriate one from hardware/arduino/bootloaders/atmega.

You may have to burn it with avr studio or similar since the ide/avrdude don't support the dragon with its regular drivers.

Thank you very much for help.
But my problem persist. :cry:
I can't find correct version of bootloader for my board.
I'm using:
PC: w2000 SP4,
IDE: arduino-0016
HW: arduino severino s3v3

The bootloaders I have tried:

Fuses bits, I have read out from Makefile something like
EFUSE = 00

Always opened *.hex file in AtmelAvrStudio v4.16
and burned with AvrDragon in ISP mode and checked fuses too.
Programming is OK.
After restarting board the LED13 doesn't blink.
The Arduino IDE can't upload the sketch.

Can anyone point me, which bootloader should be used with the board severino s3v3 ???

Note: LED13 has good connection, it works, if I write a simple test loop in C in AvrStudio.

I believe that "ATmegaBOOT_168_diecimila.hex" is correct and I also confirm those fuse settings - at least from boards.txt.

Can I suggest you try this again carefully, erase the chip, load and verify that bootloader, set the fuses, and reset the processor without doing anything else to see if you get any led action.

If the severino was a purchase, maybe the website where you bought it has a help forum?

This site says it's burning that loader to a severino.

also, using avr studio and dragon, my efuse shows up as F8. I believe that only the bottom 3 bits matter but still, if you're seeing 00 in avr studio, something's odd. those 3 bits are specifically important to the loader.

The problem is solved. :slight_smile:

I took ..arduino-0016\hardware\bootloaders\atmega\ATmegaBOOT_168.c and the Makefile and I copied them to another place. I changed a little the Makefile (target diecimila) in order to it works with AvrStudio GCC plugin.

I compiled it under AvrStudio v4.16 & WinAVR-20090313.
Burned the blank AtMega168 with AvrDragon by ISP.
EFUSE = 0xF8

First it didn't work.
When I read the Flash back from chip I got only 0xff in the whole file.
When I burned it again and I read the Flash back I got the good hex file.

And surprise it works !

Maybe the problem was long wiring between AVR Dragon and Severino.
Or maybe the problem was I took wrong hex file first time.
I hope just putting the ..arduino-0016\hardware\bootloaders\atmega\ATmegaBOOT_168_diecimila.hex will work.

Thank you for your help.

ok. congrats on getting it working.