Finding a home position via hall-sensor

hi guys! :slight_smile:

i'm pretty new to the arduino-world, and also pretty new to programming...
after having successfully learned the hard basics, i now want to start my first 'real' project.
i tried to set a 'home-point' for a stepper-motor. for this i've been using a hall-sensor, which shouldn't be too hard i thought...
i used a 'do-while' loop in the void setup, which should run until the home position/magnet was detected.. from that point the real 'program' should start.
but the arduino doesn't even react to the hall sensor :frowning:
the problem isn't the sensor, since it is working perfectly in an other code. so it must be the coding...

here is the code i wrote:

#include <Stepper.h>
int SPMU = 32;
Stepper myStepper(SPMU, 6,7,8,9);

void setup() {

const int hallPin = 12;
int hallState = 0;


do {
} while(hallState == LOW);

if (hallState = HIGH) {


void loop() {

Serial.println("start programm");


l've been searching the internet for days now, and would be soo grateful if somebody could help me!
thank you so much in advance!


do {
} while(hallState == LOW);

Don't you need to read the hall pin at some point?