Hi, thank you ahead for dropping by. I'm making a 3D printing nozzle for a design project (later will be attaching to the studio's robot arm). I started off with basic arduino kits and already ordered the following list..
I used my classmate's 12V 10A adapter to test the arduino - solenoid air valve. by connecting arduino, diode, 10k ohm resistance, TEP102 trasistor, the valve, push button, LED, etc
According to this diagram
ps : instead of TIP120 I am using TIP102
instead of 1K resistor I am using 10K resistor
instead of 1N4004 diode I am using the one that I have ( may be 1N4007 or 1N4001 )
Question 1 : My assembly of the solenoid valve is correct ? ( I don't want to burn my chips... I have tight budget.. )
Question 2 : What kind of Power Adapter should I buy. I have no idea at all.. I see some online are 12V, 24V, 36V, with various Amp. Will be plugging to UK wall. 240 V
You have a variety of voltage requirements. A 12v supply and a number of switching regulators would do what you need. The current rating does not appear to be large, a couple of amps. Safer to go for a bit larger.
12v will work the Arduino but the regulator may over heat. Use switch mode reg to bring it down to 7 to 8v. You could use the regulator to set to 5v and feed it straight in but using the onboard reg would be safer.
The servo needs less than 7v so another regulator required.
You don't say what voltage the steppers are so can't comment on supply.
A 12v 10A will not cause any more heat than a 2A supply. The Amp rating is what it is capable of, not what is is supplying. The heat is due to dropping the voltage from 12v to 5v, and this is done by dissipating the difference in heat.
P = V x I
= 7 x .2. Allowing current draw of 200mA
= 1.4 W
If you drop the V supply to 8v, the voltage in above becomes 3v and power drops to 0.6 W.