Hi all, I am getting an issue where my optical finger print sensor is not being detect on my esp32 board, i check the baudrate, uart2 pin 16 and pin 17 , even buy a new sensor and and a esp32 board. i have check the firmware and library update but still the fingerprint is not detecting. i have power it with both 5v and 3.3v but in vain.
here the error i am getting,
"Adafruit finger detect test
Did not find fingerprint sensor "
If you look at this topic it seems the solution required a 3.3V to 5V level shifter. I've used the ESP32 a lot, and level shifters, but I've not used a fingerprint sensor, so others with more relevant experience may have a better solution.
The above made me think you had never had it working.
Did you change anything, or do anything that might cause it to change behaviour, between the last time it worked and when it stopped working? E.g using a different power supply, changing the wiring, changing your sketch, etc.
Hi all, after several test cases performed, the fingerprint sensor is being detect on arduino uno, but on esp32 its not being detected. i even change the uart2 pins to other pins to test. but in vain