Firmata and Excel Examples


Can someone steer me to some examples of Excel VBA and Firmata sketch for sending small amounts of data, say 8 cells with single/double digits from Excel to Arduino (Nano).

Need to be able to check monitor to see if data going thru.



Can someone steer me to some examples of Excel VBA

That do what?

and Firmata sketch for sending small amounts of data, say 8 cells with single/double digits from Excel to Arduino (Nano).

Do you know what Firmata is for? It is a sketch that expects certain data to appear on the serial port, defining what the Arduino is to do. It is used so that some applications that speak "Firmata" can control an Arduino.

You seem to be under the impression that Excel speaks "Firmata". It does not.

Need to be able to check monitor to see if data going thru.

Since the sending application is already using the serial port, that is not possible. The sending application must provide a way to show what it is sending. Since the sending application knows that it speaks "Firmata" correctly, and assumes that the Arduino does to, you HAVE to operate on the assumption that the data is getting through.

Hi Paul

Seems I have not understood what Firmata can do. I thought that from within Firmata you could setup MS Excel to send data to a port and on the Firmata to setup Arduino to receive the data.

Project is to send the data from Excel to turn up to 16 specific leds or opto isolators, on, for approx 300 milliseconds. (slow flash).

Different sequence with each set of data. About only 5 sets per minute.

Want the monitor to show what data received.

Your comments would be appreciated.


I thought that from within Firmata you could setup MS Excel to send data to a port and on the Firmata to setup Arduino to receive the data.

I don't know why you thought that. That is not true.