First approach with Findr Opta

Hello everyone, I am conducting my first tests with this Finder product. I would like to mention that I intend to use it with the Arduino PLC IDE for the PLC logic part, connecting it to the cloud for remote monitoring.

I followed this tutorial:

I am able to make the PLC work correctly via Arduino PLC IDE, but then when I transfer the sketch from Arduino Cloud Editor, it seems to overwrite what was done with Arduino PLC IDE.

Looking in the PLC IDE, I found a section in Resources named Sketch, where I see a practically empty sketch with only comments, init, and loop.

Do I need to manually copy what was done on the Cloud Editor into the Sketch contained in the PLC IDE?
This step is not clearly documented in the guide.

Thank you

Is there anyone who can use Opta with PLC IDE and exchange data on the cloud who can help me?

Hi @retelogica,

The tutorial 'Using PLC IDE With Arduino Cloud' requires a version ⩾ v 1.0.4 of the PLC IDE & PLC IDE Tools. The tutorial will be compatible with the upcoming releases of the software.

Thanks a lot for your understanding.


Hi @hamza_pro , thank you for the response, I will wait for the new version of the PLC IDE.

In the meantime, is there a way to connect the Finder OPTA to the cloud using Arduino IDE? I have made some attempts with the web editor following tutorials, but the connection to the cloud just doesn't seem to work.

Hi @retelogica ,

You can configure the Opta in Arduino Cloud via WiFi or Ethernet, as indicated in the User Manual:

If you are experiencing a WiFi connectivity issue, please update the WiFi firmware using the WiFiFirmwareUpdater sketch available in Arduino IDE > File > Examples > STM32H747_System > WiFiFirmwareUpdater.ino.
