I've been saving up some money to drop of tools - done a ton of research, and will already be ordering from adafruit, and spark fun to get what I need - but I'm not far along to know what I need as an AVR programmer - but wanted to get one now and save on shipping.
What is a good first AVR programmer to buy? (for attiny's and atmega's 168/328's)
AVRISPMKII. $34-$35 from Mouser or Digikey. New, assembled
and works. I have had problems with the USBtiny working
on Linux. Sometimes the USB port would work, other times
it wouldn't.
I use this programmer for ATtinys, 168/328's and 644's. Never a problem.
I have this: http://www.fischl.de/usbasp/
Bought two online from different chinese shops. Both worked. One was built using ATMega48 the other using ATMega8. Same thing though.
Used for programing tinys.
I haven't used them yet but it includes a TTL serial port and a "SLO-scope".
I believe some programmers provide electricity for the target. The Pololu progammer does not. However, it does provide a solder pad for +5 / 100mA from the USB. I have no idea what the implications are for programmers that do provide electricity versus programmers that do not.