OK, first post.. was kinda hoping it would be check out my first robot, or similar , instead I plugged in a "9v wall adaptor" which turned out to be pumping out 30v. Bad times.
So, the PC shuts down (crashes, I was uploading code at the time via usb ) and the poor bluetooth module I was using got the full 30v (I guess) and is now in bluetooth heaven.
I am using windows 7,
the board is this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/221024613259?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649,
The 5v voltage regulator (and 5v pin) now puts out whatever is put in (is this an appropriate replacement? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FAN1117AS5X-5V-SMD-Low-Dropout-Linear-Voltage-Regulator-IC-/170818354235?pt=UK_BOI_Electrical_Components_Supplies_ET&hash=item27c5913c3b or do I need an LM308?)
I have ordered a new atmega328 as I guess this is toast and would explain why the com port on the pc no longer shows up.
The power LED comes on (go me?) so I assume no SMCs were fried (there was no smoke/fire/panic) and after searching for about 2 hours I want to go to bed.
The 3.3v pin outputs 3.3v as well. If someone could direct me to something that is not the schematic but an actual way to test the components on the board that would be great.
OK edit, yes still up.
I need this right, I am no electronics expert so please bear with me, any help appreciated.
here is the diagram for the duemilanove (always hard to spell off hand). I see the 5v regulator -
which I would recommend replacing you old one with. Always better to use what was there. Given what you said, that seems like the only thing (besides 328) that would have been adversely affected.
You might want to check the rest of the board with a set of 3 fresh 1.5 batteries and introduce the power supply to the Vin(+) and Gnd(-). The battery supply should bypass the regulator and let you know where things are.
You might want to check the rest of the board with a set of 3 fresh 1.5 batteries and introduce the power supply to the Vin(+) and Gnd(-). The battery supply should bypass the regulator and let you know where things are.
Do you really mean use the 5V and Gnd pins? Vin pin just feeds the input of the on-board regulator.
You might want to check the rest of the board with a set of 3 fresh 1.5 batteries and introduce the power supply to the Vin(+) and Gnd(-). The battery supply should bypass the regulator and let you know where things are.
Do you really mean use the 5V and Gnd pins? Vin pin just feeds the input of the on-board regulator.
Indeed, you are correct. 5V will bypass the regulator. I am just trying to figure how that brain-fart got to my fingers.
Thanks for the replies, I have got a new board otw from the same guy + he is gonna throw in a 5v regulator chip for free awesome cust. service if u ask me. I will try the 4.5v method with the gnd and w/e pin it was again lol.
Sorry for the lateness of reply I went to the beach for a bit!
Ok so everything has arrived at last and I sit down with my broken arduino and remove the voltage regulator and replace it. Cool, it now outputs just under 5v (4.96v). So I plug in the atmega328-p chip and go to burn a bootloader using this schematic: http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ArduinoISP (Circuit (targeting Arduino Uno, Duemilanove, or Diecimila)).
Uploaded the code ArduinoISP after setting :Tools - programming - to arduino as ISP.
I used the same duemilanove model from the same seller to act as an ISP, it states the upload completed successfully (bootloader uploaded via the :Tools- programming- AVR ISP) but I still cannot upload the the "broken" arduino, no com port is detected. Although I can upload via the new board and it acts as a slave and will just copy the code programmed to the new one until power is removed then it "forgets" what was uploaded.
Any help would be great.
OK, thanks for the reply! It looks a lil complex but everything does when you are this new to a subject lol
Wait for the DIY GM organism kits and people like me can shine on these forums! (microbiologist by education ^^)
Cant get it to upload to the board, gives me a massive error message:
Atmega_Board_Programmer\md5.c.o: In function md5_starts': M:\arduino-1.0.1\libraries\Atmega_Board_Programmer/md5.c:40: multiple definition of md5_starts'
md5.c.o:C:\Users\CRAZYD~1\AppData\Local\Temp\build1482547237101553243.tmp/md5.c:40: first defined here
Atmega_Board_Programmer\md5.c.o: In function md5_process': M:\arduino-1.0.1\libraries\Atmega_Board_Programmer/md5.c:51: multiple definition of md5_process'
md5.c.o:C:\Users\CRAZYD~1\AppData\Local\Temp\build1482547237101553243.tmp/md5.c:51: first defined here
Atmega_Board_Programmer\md5.c.o: In function md5_update': M:\arduino-1.0.1\libraries\Atmega_Board_Programmer/md5.c:174: multiple definition of md5_update'
md5.c.o:C:\Users\CRAZYD~1\AppData\Local\Temp\build1482547237101553243.tmp/md5.c:174: first defined here
Atmega_Board_Programmer\md5.c.o: In function md5_finish': M:\arduino-1.0.1\libraries\Atmega_Board_Programmer/md5.c:221: multiple definition of md5_finish'
md5.c.o:C:\Users\CRAZYD~1\AppData\Local\Temp\build1482547237101553243.tmp/md5.c:221: first defined here
I will look at it further at another time that is not 12:30am
Where are you are you at this point? Do you have the Atmega Board Programmer on another Arduino (Like the Arduino as ISP) and your Atmega328 target setup on a Arduino breadboard or on the repaired voltage regulator Arduino?