First Project Finished!!

Hey Guys, its my first post on this forum. I just wanted to share what I did for my sons birthday. He loves those stupid claw machines in the front of stores so I wanted to buy one for his Bday. Come to find out they are like $3K and that is rather cost prohibitive for me so I built one. Here is a video:

I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees it. It has a timer, a single push button end game mode, as well as a super secret cheat mode that allows for full control of all axes as well as the claw. I'll include the code as well if people want to see it.

Let me know what you guys think.

Great job!

Hey, that is amazing! We want a project video! How did you make it?

I'll make a better video when I get a chance for sure!


What a Great thing to do for your son! Great Job on your first project too!