First project (not for the faint of heart)

Greetings to one and all,

noob here so please be gentle. :blush:

I have been given the task to design a web based I/O style device. The brief is as follows :-

  1. I will need to read a selection of logic inputs via a web page that may be accessed from anywhere.
  2. I will need to drive a selection of logic outputs via a web page that may be accessed from anywhere.
  3. I need to have access to the web page(s) protected by a password. I am not talking NSA hack proof but more of a deterrent.
  4. I need to make it so that the password can be changed (maybe even have a reminder feature should the password be forgotten).
  5. I also need to display the current time on the web page(s) from a internet time server.
  6. I need to log time stamped (from the internet time server) input/output activity to a text file that may be downloaded.

I have done a few bits with the Arduino but nothing like this. I am currently trying to decide if Arduino is the way to go as I am also considering the Microchip PIC and the Raspberry Pi.

Any advice, tips or help would be greatly appreciated. :cold_sweat:

Many thanks


The stuff you mentioned can be realized with an Arduino, although you probably have an easier time it you just buy a Raspberry Pi because there you have much more processing power and considerations about available memory and the like are much less probable.

What you're describing sounds remarkably similar to Firmata embedded in a web page, so you might want to look at that before you start designing your own version.

When you say "logic inputs" and "logic outputs" do you mean that the device must interface with other hardware - sensors, perhaps or actuators of some sort. The Arduino is good at that sort of interfacing.

Is there any reason why you couldn't have the web interface on a PC and just use the Arduino to interface between the PC and the external hardware? That way you should greatly simplify the project by using each device for the job it is best suited to.
