So it is my first time using Arduino for my Doom Slayer cosplay, and I want to make a working prop chainsaw for it. Right now I'm planning something like the image attached and I can sum it up like this;
-To activate the system first Charging handle must me charged. When done so, a button (A point in the image) will hit to a stop point (B point) and the system will play "Motor Working Sound", when the "Motor Working Sound" is over system will automatically follow it up with "Idle Sound" (probably will use a 10 hour sound file for that so it doesnt ever end).
-When pressed to a trigger, the trigger will hit a button behind itself. When it held if the Charging handle is charged at least once, "Idle Sound" will stop playing and DC motor will start playing with "Chainsaw Sound" until the button is released, upon release "Idle Sound" will start playing and DC motor will stop.
The problem is that I don't know what to use in the project since I didn't ever do something with Arduino, I looked around for a similar kind of project but I couldnt find one. I have roughly an idea for the code but I really don't know what to use besides two buttons, a speaker, a switch and a DC Motor.
I hope it's in the right place and I didn't broke any rule, altough I inspected the rules and my post seems alright, I still can't be 100% sure
What you describe sounds eminently doable. But what is your programming experience and how much time have you got for the project?
The links below should help
Several Things at a Time
Using millis() for timing. A beginners guide
Planning and Implementing a Program
I think you can get away with a real chainsaw at the Las Vegas Convention Center if the Cosplay Convention is held there