First Time with Arduino need help - 1 Button 2 LED

I Have 1 Button 2 LED'S
Red - Green

Green on by default

When button pressed Green off Red on loop every time button pressed
With debounce line.

I found a tutorial about 1 button 1 LED but for the love of god I can't turn that into 2 LEDS please help point to tutorial or sample code pls

Hmmmm try turning the other LED to the opposite of the one you are controlling. If you set it HIGH set the other LOW, the converse holds true as well.

by the god sake it is much too complex and jesus does ask me to not make it, because he loves me.

Show us your best try and we can help you figure out what you did wrong. You can't expect a tutorial for every possible permutation of Arduino code, but you can try to understand what turns an led on or off and incorporate that into code that you write.

Please pay attention to the category you choose for your thread. The uncategorized section (where you posted) has a description that literally says "Don't post threads here" and you chose it anyway.

I have moved your thread to a more appropriate board. Please take some time to read the "How to get the best out of this forum" thread and learn how things work here. You will find that you get a lot better responses that way.

Sorry dad wont happen again :upside_down_face:

Hello @tompiratecat and welcome:
You haven't said which Arduino you have nor how your button and LEDs are connected or to which Arduino pins. Knowing that would be a big help for us to help you.

board is a ESP8266

const int LED_RED  = 6;
const int LED_GREEN = 7;

const int PUSH_BUTTON = 8;

bool toggleState = false;

void setup() {  
  pinMode(LED_RED, OUTPUT);


void loop() {
  int readButton = digitalRead(PUSH_BUTTON);
  if (readButton == 0) {
    toggleState = ! toggleState;
    if (toggleState == false) {
    } else {

not sure how to post image of wiring

how it is now - green light is on I click button green goes off while I hold button red stays off let go of button greens back on

just noticed red has a very faint red glow, red glow goes off when button clicked very very faint glow

Solved :stuck_out_tongue: