Does anyone know how to write a program for the feeder signal?
I have a gyroscope lis2dw12 dfrobot.
I am quite sure you know what you want to do in your mind. Us, not so much. Please, have a read:
In my state, that would be illegal. How about where you live?
I live in Poland and I do it for private use for my tank
The state makes the rules! The basis is that the act of fishing is a hands-on hobby. We are not talking about commercial type fishing.
Yes, Paul, I'm aware that states have the authority to make rules.
I'll look it up myself if it's such a sensitive topic to you.
Nope. Not fisherman. Too booring!
I call any form of these "trotlines" if unattended... but I wonder if you could argue the widget is actively monitoring/tending the line.
Here's an idea with code for a piezo sensor (also look at a tilt ball sensor)...
Now I have seen everything.......... too lazy to hold the rod OMG!!!
What is the difference between piezo and gyroscope? Which one works better?
Take what you have at hand and see if it works. If unsatisfied use a different approach.
both are sensors used to measure physical phenomena, piezoelectric sensors primarily measure forces, pressures, or accelerations through the piezoelectric effect, whereas gyroscopes measure changes in orientation or rotation using the principle of angular momentum
Piezo = cheap, simple output, and easy to program.
Gyro = not cheap, complex output, involved programming.
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