[FIXED] Arduino Due + Sparkfun Openlog

Hey guys,

I am using an Arduino Due. I wanted to log some data from it. I bought the Sparkfun Openlog micro sd card reader. I am having a hard time setting it up. Could someone please help me out here?

I figured out how to make it work.
This is my hookup:

Sparkfun Openlog -> Arduino Due
VCC -> 3.3 V
TX0 -> RX0
RX0 -> TX0

GND is ground.
TX0 is transmitter 0.
RX0 is receiver 0.

For those who might be confused why TX output goes into the RX and vice versa; this is because the transmitter outputs a signal that has to be received by the receiver.

Don't worry about file handling.
Simply use the following commands as your needs dictate:
Serial.print("Whatever you want to log");

The Sparkfun Openlog seems to simply take whatever is going through Serial and pastes it in a text file!