Fixing Auduino

I just studied and learned Aduino I would like to consult a specialist. This is a clock. I have a problem with this. I know how to answer it.
Thank you

This is the Arduino.
Arduino: 1.6.7 (Windows 7), Board: "Arduino Leonardo"

C: \ Users \ Administrator \ Documents \ Aduino \ h \ h.ino: In function 'void loop ()':

h: 21: error: could not convert 'DS1307RTC :: read ((* & tm))' từ 'void' tới 'bool'

if (! (tm)) {


h:21: error: in argument to unary !

exit status 1
could not convert 'DS1307RTC::read((* & tm))' from 'void' to 'bool'

This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
enabled in File > Preferences. ufabet


And how is this an electronic problem?

Also, where is the code? Can't help you without code (in code tags!) AND a detailed description what it's supposed to do and why you wrote it that way.

Probably, incorrect parameter type in the function and the compiler is confused which version of the function to choose.

Please post a link to where you downloaded the DS1307RTC library from, or if you installed it via Library Manager (Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries) state the full name. Please always use the chain links icon on the toolbar to make links you post to the forum clickable.