Hej er noget grøn med brug af Arduino. evt. Nano Jeg har monteret en postmelder M/ 2 led og en reedkontakt, led som skifter farve alt efter om brevsprækken har været åben på min postkasse i indkørsel. men kunne godt tænke mig at det kunne fjernaflæses enten på et display eller via Bluetooth, inde i huset. er der nogen der kan give mig nogle hint med hensyn til komponenter jeg evt. skal bruge.
If there is no Danish forum, you could use a translator to save us all the trouble of doing it N times.
I moved your topic from an English language category to the forum's International > Scandinavia category @oletexas.
In the future, please use the appropriate category for the language you choose to post in. This is an important part of responsible forum usage, as explained in the "How to get the best out of this forum" guide. The guide contains a lot of other useful information. Please read it.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
LOL. Google translate "detect language" fail!
Using Norwegian, it provides an (almost?) identical translation.
Or not a failure:
File this under "learn somthing every day" :
Danish and Norwegian are especially comprehensible to one another. In general, Danish and Norwegian speakers will be able to understand the other's language after only a little instruction or exposure.
I'm Swedish and hear both those languages frequently...
Thanks for that, it was a mistake that I didn't write in English.
tor. d. 31. aug. 2023 20.06 skrev Railroader via Arduino Forum <notifications@arduino.discoursemail.com>:
No problem. Keep on using English!
What's the distance between the mailbox and the place for the controller?
if you translate the first post in English we can move it back to the main board where there might be more eyeballs ready to help if you want
There is about 15 m between the mailbox and the house.
tor. d. 31. aug. 2023 22.55 skrev Railroader via Arduino Forum <notifications@arduino.discoursemail.com>:
I would try a shielded cable containing 2 wires. Connect the controller side of the shield to controller GND.
Connect the 2 wires to one digital input resp. GND. Add low ohm pullup of some 100 Ohm between Vcc and the input.
Connect the switch at the mailbox to the 2 wires but do not connect the shield.
Are there any powerful electrical things near the wire?
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