The linker script's FLASH definition is this for the Giga R1 is:
FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x8040000, LENGTH = CM4_BINARY_START - 0x8040000
CM4_BINARY_START is this for 50_50 split:
./boards.txt:giga.menu.split.50_50.build.extra_ldflags=-DCM4_BINARY_START= 0x08100000 to -DCM4_BINARY_END=0x08200000
this means the M4 gets from 0x08100000 to 0x08200000, i.e. 1MB and the M7 gets from 0x8040000 to 0x08100000, i.e. 0.75MB.
What's in the first 256K of FLASH? Is this the boots loader?
Plus, the size output post build needs work as it is not indicative of the flash remaining.