Hi Guys! I have been trying to adapt the following bootloader to an ATMega2560 following the these 2 pages :
I have included the avr_boot folder into my ATMEL studio and try to build the bootloader (HEX File) without success.
I there anybody out there that had the same prob and that has a few pointers!
Thanks for helping!
Does Nick's program do bootloaders, or just sketches?
HI! Thanks for the page suggestion, I was following Nick's intruction from : Adding other bootloaders on the following page :
but before I use this I need to compile the hex file for the bootloader from the page http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/pfsample.zip
/ Stand-alone MMC boot loader R0.01
/ Copyright (C) 2010, ChaN, all right reserved.
/ * This software is a free software and there is NO WARRANTY.
/ * No restriction on use. You can use, modify and redistribute it for
/ personal, non-profit or commercial products UNDER YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.
/ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice.
/ Dec 6, 2010 R0.01 First release
/ This is a stand-alone MMC/SD boot loader for megaAVRs. It requires a 4KB
/ boot section for code, four GPIO pins for MMC/SD as shown in sch.jpg and
/ nothing else. To port the boot loader into your project, follow the
/ instruction sdescribed below.
/ 1. Setup the hardware. Attach a memory card socket to the any GPIO port
/ where you like. Select boot size at least 4KB for the boot loader with
/ BOOTSZ fuses and enable boot loader with BOOTRST fuse.
/ 2. Setup the software. Change the four port definitions in the asmfunc.S.
/ Change MCU_TARGET, BOOT_ADR and MCU_FREQ in the Makefile. The BOOT_ADR
/ is a BYTE address of boot section in the flash. Build the boot loader
/ and write it to the device with a programmer.
/ 3. Build the application program and output it in binary form instead of
/ hex format. Rename the file "app.bin" and put it into the memory card.
/ 4. Insert the card and turn the target power on. When the boot loader found
/ the application file, the file is written into the flash memory prior to
/ start the application program. On-board LED lights (if exist) during
/ the flash programming operation.
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "pff.h"
void flash_erase (DWORD); /* Erase a flash page (asmfunc.S) */
void flash_write (DWORD, const BYTE*); /* Program a flash page (asmfunc.S) */
FATFS Fatfs; /* Petit-FatFs work area */
BYTE Buff[SPM_PAGESIZE]; /* Page data buffer */
int main (void)
DWORD fa; /* Flash address */
WORD br; /* Bytes read */
pf_mount(&Fatfs); /* Initialize file system */
if (pf_open("app.bin") == FR_OK) { /* Open application file */
for (fa = 0; fa < BOOT_ADR; fa += SPM_PAGESIZE) { /* Update all application pages */
flash_erase(fa); /* Erase a page */
memset(Buff, 0xFF, SPM_PAGESIZE); /* Clear buffer */
pf_read(Buff, SPM_PAGESIZE, &br); /* Load a page data */
if (br) flash_write(fa, Buff); /* Write it if the data is available */
if (pgm_read_word(0) != 0xFFFF) /* Start application if exist */
// ((void(*)(void))0)();
asm volatile("jmp 0000");
for (;;) ; /* No application, Halt. */
which is the bootloader to upload the binary from the SD card.
Thanks for the help!
Did you get an SD card boot loader working on the Mega2560?