Flex sensor

Hi, i am making a project where a flex sensor records the texture of particular surfaces. I want to be able to read/record the variations in voltage that the bending will affect.I am fairly positive that i know how to set it up on the arduino board by using a voltage divider but I am at a complete loss as to how to program this(or even what program to use for that matter). (i am the other half of the course that does arduino next semester so i am trying to learn by myself). Is anyone able to whip up something that is able to do this?

Any help is much apreciated! CHeers :slight_smile:

(if it means anything, the data will be recorded into max msp (hopefully) and used to alter a video)

When you have the sensor connected to some analog pin, you can use the analogRead() function to read the value of the sensor.

The first step is to get that going in loop, and see if the sensor data is accurate enough. If it is, Serial.print() will send the value to the serial port that Max/Msp will listen to.

THanks, ill keep that in mind. Ill get back to you once the hardware arrives :slight_smile: