Hi All,
I'm using FlexyStepper to control a single stepper using an arduino Mega.
All good and I think the author of Flexystepper should be congratulated for an easy to use library.
I have a problem though and am hoping someone else has experienced and solved it (or can provide advice)
My project is all about timing.. The motor turns about a quater of a turn, then back to zero & repeats indefinitely. With this project however, it's all about timing - the arrival at each point needs to be at a predictable & accurate time within a squillasecond. (Well.. it needs to be pretty accurate)
I'm just using steps as this is relatable to me.
Flexystepper requires the following to set speed and acceleration;
...and away you go - works fine (well the motor turns then turns back)...
Only problem is, because I'm turning just shy of a 1/4 turn, the acceleration parameter is varying the predictability of the timing - IE; how long it takes to get from home to it's arrival step, and back again.
I have tried setting the acceleration number to many thousands, and even down to zero (DONT put it at zero as the motor goes mental)
I would like to disable acceleration completely as it's irrelevant to this project and is actually hindering the results.
Seems a well thought out solution. I will certainly have a look as Accelstepper though - I have been breezaing past that one as I assumed it was all about acceleration due to it's name!
I'm using a stepper controller with a Nema 23 motor. The controller has Dir and Pulse pins which seems pretty elegant.
Thanks again
I have not heard of FlexyStepper and you have not provided a link to its documentation.
The more usual library used with Arduinos is the AccelStepper library and it has functions for movement with acceleration and without acceleration.
There is also the standard Arduino Stepper library that does not use acceleration.
If you need a motor to move at high speed then acceleration and deceleration will be essential if steps are not to be missed.