I am trying to learn the various commands and have decided to try the keypad library code.
I have included the keypad.h in the software and it loaded ok.
When I try to run the example program that comes with it, with alterations for my keypad as explained in the comments, I seem to have lost the signal from dig input 1.
const byte rows = 4;
const byte cols = 3;
char keys[rows][cols] = {
byte rowPins[rows] = {7, 4, 6, 1};
byte colPins[cols] = {5, 3, 2};
Keypad keypad = Keypad(makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, rows, cols);
I fail to read buttons 3 7 and #.
I thought it might be to do with the fact that dig pin 1 is the 'tx' pin. I added instructions to read it on the monitor but that then uses the dig pin 1.
If I change the byte rowPins[rows] = {7, 4, 6, 1,);
to byte rowPins[rows] = {7, 4, 6, 8,);
does it not use dig pin 8 instead of 1? It looks to still fail. or what am I missing?