for counter reset

If i have a for statement like so:

for(int count =0; count < 50; count++)

will the counter on the "count" variable reset once the loop exits or rather is the whole thing forgotten and setup again starting from 0 next time the for loop is called ?

"count" is only in scope for the body of the loop, so it is nether set nor reset at the end of the loop, it is simply not visible.
If you want the value outside of the loop, declare it before the loop

int count; 
for( count =0; count < 50; count++)

ah ok, just checking, I don't need it outside I was just making sure I could run another loop without having to set the counter back to 0 manually

That particular for loop declares the variable so it only exists for the loop (technically
it has loop-local scope and extent). In fact its pretty much exactly equivalent to:

    int count = 0 ;
    while (count < 50)
      // body
      count++ ;

[ note that the outer braces form a scoping contour - so the name "count" vanishes after the loop and can be reused. ]

for(int count =0; count < 50; count++)

That is setting it back manually. What the others said is correct as well.