I'm having trouble and I've run into other people at have this problem. The newest version 1.6.7 arduino. When I start coding everything is fine until I declare for in the void loop. It doesn't recognize it as a command it just turns grey not orange or blue like it should. And I get error expected ')' before ';' token. Hopefully someone knows a way around this issue. Please help I would like to move forward in my studies
int redLedPin=9; //Declarint red led as an int, and set to 9:
int yellowLedPin=10; // Declaring yellow led as an int, and set to 10:
int redOnTime=100; //Red led is on 250:
int redOffTime=900; // Red led is off 250:
int yellowOnTime=900; // Yellow led is on 250:
int yellowOffTime=100; // Yellow led is off 250:
void setup() {
void loop() {
for(int c=1; c<=10; c=c+1;) {
digitalWrite(redLedPin,HIGH); // turn the red led on:
delay(redOffTime); // wait:
digitalWrite(redLedPin,LOW); // turn the red led off:
delay(redOffTime); //Wait:
digitalWrite(yellowLedPin,HIGH); //turn the yellow led on:
delay(yellowOffTime); //Wait:
digitalWrite(yellowLedPin,LOW); //turn the yellow led off:
delay(yellowOffTime); //Wait:
that is my code but for some reason the arduino wont recognize for as a command when I do for loop to loop my red led. it just turns grey not orange or blue like its suppose to.
I made the correction but its that dam for at the beginning that's giving me trouble. the error code reads exit status 1
expected ')' before ';' token. is it the for isn't being recognized by the arduino?
int redLedPin=9; //Declarint red led as an int, and set to 9:
int yellowLedPin=10; // Declaring yellow led as an int, and set to 10:
int redOnTime=100; //Red led is on 250:
int redOffTime=900; // Red led is off 250:
int yellowOnTime=900; // Yellow led is on 250:
int yellowOffTime=100; // Yellow led is off 250:
void setup() {
void loop() {
for(int c=1; c<=10; c=c+1) {
digitalWrite(redLedPin,HIGH); // turn the red led on:
delay(redOffTime); // wait:
digitalWrite(redLedPin,LOW); // turn the red led off:
delay(redOffTime); //Wait:
digitalWrite(yellowLedPin,HIGH); //turn the yellow led on:
delay(yellowOffTime); //Wait:
digitalWrite(yellowLedPin,LOW); //turn the yellow led off:
delay(yellowOffTime); //Wait:
I removed the extra ; in the for, and used CTRL-T to pretty it up. It compiles okay for an Uno in IDE 1.0.6.
that's just the problem the video I was using the guy was using arduino 1.5.4 and ran ok. but im using 1.6.7 and in the comments other people using 1.6.7 are having the same issue as well. I know im new to programming but I don't think a newer update would do this.
ill try upload a picture
Here's the pic
Ok it's working thanks guys now I just got to get my yellow to blink again lol thanks so much
I do have 1 question tho. is it theoretically to code the electromagnetic spectrum and use it like one chip uses infrared while then switch out to another chip that runs x-rays or so on. im working on a project for school.