for loops

Hi my names Jackson I am fairly new to this forum, sorry if I am not in the right topic.

Background- I am new to arduino, but I do know a fair bit of java. This program is meant to take a digit and blink the length of the number. For example 3458 should blink 4 times.

My problem- the program blinks 4 times no matter what digit I use.

Thank you for your help

sketch_nov11a.ino (659 Bytes)

  int amountDigits; // represents the length of digit

Because amountDigits is a local variable it will be initialised to an unknown value unless you set it expressly

Is the program calculating amountDigits correctly ? Have you tried printing it ?

  digitalWrite(12, 5); // indicates the program has began

Why the screwy value written to the pin ? Normally you would write HIGH or LOW

Thank you, that fixed it.

Is there any reason that arduino uses high and low rather than a numeric value?

HIGH and LOW are simply definitions made for easier understanding. HIGH is defined as 1, LOW as 0. You can use either,

Thank you, that fixed it.

Is there any reason that arduino uses high and low rather than a numeric value?

Do you believe a digital output pin can output a "numeric value"? It can't. A digital output can be either HIGH (which is #defined as 1) or LOW (which is #defined as LOW). Seems perfectly logical to me.... What would you imagine it should do when you try to digitalWrite "5"??
Ray L.