formatting serial sensor data so I can use it...

Hi all,

I am working on a project where I have a sensor taking data and sending it over serial to software called Max, where I want to use the sensor readings.

In the Arduino serial monitor window I can see the sensor readings formatted like this:

.90115.90115.90115.90115.90115.90115.90115.90115.90115.90115 etc

And in Max I am getting the same thing. It just comes in as one massive number that I can't even break into a list.

I have a feeling that I am formatting Serial.print incorrectly.

I am doing this: Serial.print(Value_O2, 3);

where Value-02 is my sensor reading. Is there a way to add a space or something so I can break down this data? I think 4 decimal points is enough for the resolution I need.

Thank you any help would be greatly appreciated.

I am posting all of my code below.

#define Version 11 // version, 1.0 or 1.1, which depands on your board you use as it is
const int pinO2 = A0; // Connect Grove – Gas Sensor(O2) to A0.  

#if Version==11
const int AMP = 121;
#elif Version==10
const int AMP = 201;

const float K_O2 = 7.43;

void setup()
  Serial.begin(115200); //Start the Serial connection

void loop()
  float sensorValue;
  float sensorVoltage;
  float Value_O2;

  sensorValue = analogRead(A0);
  sensorVoltage = (sensorValue / 1024.0) * 3.3;
  sensorVoltage = sensorVoltage / (float)AMP * 10000.0;
  Value_O2 = sensorVoltage / K_O2;

  Serial.print(Value_O2, 3);    // this is the value I am using

  delay(50); // I seem to get better values with the delay


Serial.print(Value_O2, 3);



to separate the values wit a comma (delimiter). it is called comma separated values or .CSV.

Here is a version of your code that does not use delay(). It uses the method from the blink without delay example for timing.

#define Version 11 // version, 1.0 or 1.1, which depands on your board you use as it is
const int pinO2 = A0; // Connect Grove - Gas Sensor(O2) to A0.

#if Version==11
const int AMP = 121;
#elif Version==10
const int AMP = 201;

const float K_O2 = 7.43;

void setup()
   Serial.begin(115200); //Start the Serial connection

void loop()
   static unsigned long timer = 0;
   unsigned long interval = 50;
   if (millis() - timer >= interval)
      timer = millis();
      float sensorValue;
      float sensorVoltage;
      float Value_O2;

      sensorValue = analogRead(A0);
      sensorVoltage = (sensorValue / 1024.0) * 3.3;
      sensorVoltage = sensorVoltage / (float)AMP * 10000.0;
      Value_O2 = sensorVoltage / K_O2;

      Serial.print(Value_O2, 3);    // this is the value I am using

Non-blocking timing tutorials:
Several things at a time.
Beginner's guide to millis().
Blink without delay().

@groundFungus, thank you for the reply.

I tried adding the Serial.print(" "); and Serial.print(",");

It was still kind of hard parsing the data in Max.

But I did discover another way to get the values one at a time by using:

Serial.println(Value, 3);

Thank you for suggesting using millis to avoid the delay. But I think what I want to do is have the Arduino only send a value if it changes. It's looking ok so far. Hopefully I won't have more issues.

Here is the code I am going with for now:

// test Grove – Gas Sensor(O2),  I am using GSR sensor
// Analog Grove Connector
// Yellow Connected to A0
// Red to 3.3V
// Black to GND
//  #include

#define Version 11 // version, 1.0 or 1.1, which depands on your board you use as it is
const int pinO2 = A0; // Connect Grove – Gas Sensor(O2) to A0.   GSR sensor

#if Version==11
const int AMP = 121;
#elif Version==10
const int AMP = 201;

const float K_O2 = 7.43;
float Value;
float previousValue = 10;

void setup()
  Serial.begin(115200); //Start the Serial connection

void loop()
  float sensorValue;
  float sensorVoltage;

  sensorValue = analogRead(A0);
  sensorVoltage = (sensorValue / 1024.0) * 3.3;
  sensorVoltage = sensorVoltage / (float)AMP * 10000.0;
  Value = sensorVoltage / K_O2;

  // only transmit Value_02 if the input has changed

  if ( Value != previousValue) {
    previousValue = Value;
    Serial.println(Value, 3);

 // Serial.println(Value, 3);    // this is the value I am using

  // delay(50); // I seem to get better values with the delay