Forum Image Rotate

Is there in the forum application the option to add rotating a posted image? Some images (e.g. hand drawn schematics) are posted rotated 90º from a convenient viewing angle. It would be nice to have a rotate option built in to the forum app rather than having to download the image and rotate it in an external app. Maybe it could be included with the

50%,75%,100% buttons


Trying this:

<img src="upload://hbijs2eihjqmyJGg9mr3hxN7R2x.jpeg" style="transform: rotate(90deg);">




If the image is not rotated 90 degrees, this method is not working. I would guess limited "markdown" is the issue.

For example, if I posted this:

and you were more comfortable looking at it like this:

can the forum software be modified to let you rotate the image in place with a button click? Now, as I understand it, the image would have to be downloaded (copy/pasted, whatever) from the forum and rotated in an application of your own in order for you to view it in the orientation you preferred.

Maybe @dax1 knows.

Obviously it's not going to work with a cat! It doesn't matter which way up you turn them they spin themselves round to be the right way up.


I got this answer when I posted the question in the Discourse Forum.