I will be preposing some rules to maintain good etiquette, Please give feedback on proposed rules add and comment on preposed rules....If you need to argue start a new thread in the relevant category or Bar Sport.
Also any off-topic discussion/remarks will be requested (by me) to be split or deleted.
Respect everyone in the forum, even having different opinion. Respect anyone else that has joined before you.
Read any posts thoroughly before commenting.
Don't argue or nitpick with any other members, Please bring it up respectfully in the appropriate category. The above rule applies especially when helping someone.
Don't add your post to a topic unless it will help the discussion.
Think before writing....Your post may not be necessary....
When using boilerplates please cut out unnecessary content.
Don't clown in a topic....Respect the OP of the topic and do clowning around in Bar Sport.
Try to use appropriate language, and be polite....It doesn't give over a good impression otherwise.
Assume the OP of a topic doesn't know better....Unless it can be proved, that they know better.
Try not to ask for code/schematics, unless the problem is not obvious, Also don't make fun of someone else's choice of a schematic program....Unless it really is unintelligible.
More can be added but the above would be nice.
Proposed rules for Regulars/Leaders/Moderators.
All the proposed Member rules will apply.
If you move/split/edit a topic, notify everyone with a post about what you've done.
Be a good example to everyone else, even when others aren't.
Don't weaponize topic recategorization....Only move it if the question is more suitable in another category.
So members aren't supposed to respect anyone that joined after?
I'm kidding and I understand what you mean but I think a simple "respect everyone in the forum, even having different opinion" is enough
Tho, isn't it already a rule in this forum? Just asking
just follow this rule: before you puff out your chest and bug out your eyes and froth at the mouth in righteous indignation, ask yourself: "so what?" or "this concerns me in what way?"
I Prefer the Metallica approach to it, Sadly i can't post it here.
We all have ways that we individually ask the question.
i do that as well except the way i ask myself is..
(You need to understand that i first acknowledge to myself that my time is valuable and that my health is valuable and that i see stress as a form of illness) so i ask myself...
"Is this Important enough for me to deal with ? and will i be able to cope with the stress that may be associated with it"
Another way i ask myself is
"Do i want to ACCEPT this problem ?'
(Because i'm a believer in not saying "THAT PERSON made me stressed"
I believe that if i CHOOSE to accept a problem and since stress is a choice
then i can't blame anyone else if i accept to deal with the problem
Otherwise i choose not to let it in. simple as that.
Now don't misunderstand this for blocking or pushing things under the rug (that's not healthy).
No.. You truly just decide i'm either going to ALLOW this to be part of my life or not.
that's it.
so yeah, what you said, but in a different way that is more meaningful to me personally.
Sure, But i didn't mean respect people who are going to be emotional snowflakes or fairies.
This is something i learned long ago.
There was a time when i thought, OK, i'll show understanding for everyone.
that failed miserably
i then did this thing when i said, i'm not going to care about anyone's feelings
(in hindsight, that was a teething process where i was kinda debugging human behaviour)
that failed because you come across as arrogant.
Finally i settled on this
I learned you can't make everyone happy, it's literally impossible.
I then decided to make the Majority happy
The problem is the Majority Stress and i made a life choice not to stress
so i then decided, i'll make myself happy first and then the Majority.
this proved to work like this
You respect everyone off the bat, that's just courtesy and courtesy is given upfront.
Now if a person proves to be overly sensitive and it's not reasonably your fault (After you've shown understanding) then... that's their problem. I have no time for that.
so a person that takes "Any hint of No" is a person that needs to change themselves
which is PRECISELY what my post is about
it's about don't take things so personally, and we'll have a better forum
Define "Time Waster"
Mate technically Newbies are time wasters TO US.
But hey we show UNDERSTANDING because once upon a time we were the same.
Now if you don't want to bother with them , I get that.
it's all about who has what level of patience.
Me, I'm happy to help them (Coddle them) as you call it
but i have , let's call it "Coddling Criteria'
If they can't be bothered to put in effort, neither will i.
if i can see they want to learn, i'll be as patient as they need me to be.
LOL.... so Name calling LOL
Mate, i don't even know what to say to you , How old are you ?
i mean ok, Look
so to be literal, that means something along the lines of....
You think i'm smart or
Trying to be smart or...
Showing off or...
I don't know, something to that affect
NOW I'M GLAD YOU DID THIS. Seriously , and that's not sarcasm ok
I want to point something out for everyone reading this...
so this is the point where
I could take offense
As a result I could call you a name
You would in turn take that offensively
Then a mod would come in and kick our arse LOL
Warning all around and suspensions for a few days..
But no mate, i'm not being smart, i'm not taking anything offensively ,
When i was a kid, OK, YES, I found Psychology interest, but then i also found
Electronics, Physics, Chem and Bio interesting so it kinda meshed
But i'm not bloody sigmund freud mate LOL
Once upon a time (just quickly off topic) when Biden was a new president in america and i had no clue who he was.
i was on you tube a person made a comment and then i replied and he said
"OK Biden"
Now that was a bloody childish simplistic name calling remark and how can i be biden if i have no clue as to who he is ?
sure i know of sigmund but your comment is still stupid, Since we are talking openly.
I gather since you're not a fairy i can say that to you .
But no, in all seriousness, I just find human behaviour interesting
and it's formed part of my knowledge growing up and allowing myself to understand myself.
i reckon without it i would probably still be stressing today
so i get where you're coming from, but NO i'm not trying to be a smart arse or to pretend that i know something that i don't or that i'm a psychologist,
I'm just sharing my knowledge and answering your comments
Sorry, forgot to address this bit...
well, I'm not trying to be confusing
but also i understand , OF COURSE I UNDERSTAND.
it took me like 10 years of my life to get rid of stress .
and how many people in my life have said to me
"Man you always seem so calm , how come you never stress"
then i tell them then they say
"well yeah that's easier said than done"
then i say
"sure, but it's also not as hard as you make it out to be"
My rules of not stressing don't happen overnight.
the point is, if i put this stuff up MAYBE the heated arguments in the forum might stop.
Maybe someone might see it and say "You know what, i totally get that "
Maybe someone might see how you're responding to me and say to themselves
"wow that guys being really rude"
But more importantly ... They might also see HOW THIS SORT OF THING CAN BE AVOIDED AND NOT TURN INTO AN ARGUMENT
so the rules need to be learned
and i don't expect anyone to do it overnight
I JUST EXPECT PEOPLE TO TRY........... that's it
Try and be nicer to each other
You don't have to like or coddle someone to respect them. Just don't be mean about it. If them wasting your time pisses you off then don't waste your time telling them that.
I don't know what the second one means.
You don't have to refer anything. You don't in have to DO anything. You can just click the next thread where they're not wasting time and help them.
I always thought it would be more effective anyway to wait until people ask why their thread is being ignored before giving them the business about posting right. It's going to be more effective and received better if they ask.
Just let the thread die if it isn't worthy. We don't need to make sure the OP feels stupid enough about it.