Forum Not Tracking Read/Unread Status

For the last few days, the forum has not been tracking which threads/posts I've read or not, so I now have a large number of threads I've fully read, which still show up as unread.

Also, when reading a thread, the post indicator on the right side of the screen (showing 1/n, 2/n, etc.) ALWAYS shows 1/n, regardless of which post I'm reading. I can drag it down to the correct number, but that does not scroll the posts, and still does not update the "read" status of the posts.

I don't think this is on my side, as it all happens with both Edge and Chrome, and on my phone as well.

Related to this? Unreads not clearing

I can't remember that I have seen the problem but that is not the holy grail :wink:

Thanks! This was it:

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