I read a lot of posts on this forum and feel that many questions asked could be solved due to searching the forum. But I feel that, even for my own problems; the forum search isn't powerful or precise enough to be able to find the right things. It doesn't seem to be able to find some very obvious matches sometimes. What does anyone else think?
@ AlphaBeta: Clarification please? I'm guessing needle1 & needle2 are keywords (needle programming language?)
I'd like to try your method once I understand it.
Yeah google's really good for searching anything. I've found it almost always gives better results than forum searching, and there's no minimum of letters.
@ AlphaBeta: Thanks for the clarification; after a couple of tries, that makes sense. First successful search got 210 hits, heaps more than I got from a forum search on the same topic (< 12) :).