Forum slow + 502 Bad Gateway

Has anyone else noticed access to the forum very slow or error 502 this morning ?

Rest of the web is fine just the forum.

Me too.

I guess it is too much to expect the Forum admin people to explain the problem or say when it will be fixed?

Maybe they forgot to pay the rent for the server?


Luca Cipriani posted a comment about this:-
Re: Is there a problem with the forum server?
Found a huge memory leak in the forum codebase. I have put a temporary solution slowing down the forum a bit in exchange to have it up and running.

We need to rewrite at least 30 different functions of the SMF code, it will require a full week if lucky.

Thanks for you patience!

Hi Grumpy

LOL there is a difference between slow and consistent 502 and 504 errors.
Took me about 8 minutes to get to this topic with constant refresh after each timeout.

PS if you are reading this as a new post tomorrow or next week you know why LOL

Oh and thanks to the slowness I now have to go outside and clean up the garden dang you.

Just no rest for the lazy in me today....

dang you.

Don't shoot the messenger.


Something is dying/dead.

@ Grumpy

I wanna shoot the messenger so that it sends a message to the sender :slight_smile:

The forum administrators are aware of the issue. Apparently a lot of forum code has to be rewritten to fix the problem. I'm uncertain why it can't just be rolled back to the last version that worked, but I don't have access to that code or information.

This is getting really annoying.

Deja Vu

It is platform for hobby engineers run by hobby engineers. An interesting solution is much better than a simple solution.

We need to rewrite at least 30 different functions of the SMF code, it will require a full week if lucky.

This is ridiculous. Why would anyone associated with Arduino need to re-write SMF code. That is the responsibility of the SMF folks.

Or are the Arduino folks now rushing to repair something that they themselves broke by tampering where they should not?

And if "Luca Cipriani posted a comment" - why didn't he post it here in this Forum where his customers are?


Same here - still too slow to be useable

Who cares about a huge memory leak in the server that is fixed by preventing users from using the service? In that case just turning off the server is faster and simpler - zero leak guaranteed (and zero users).

The memory leak did not prevent usage in past months - may be at the cost of a reboot from time to time - proper engineering practice would have been to get a fix from the vendor or patch this themselves in a test site mirroring traffic until leak is fixed and performance maintained.

@ Grumpy

I wanna shoot the messenger so that it sends a message to the sender :slight_smile:

Hey no one "sent" me, I just got the information from another place.

And if "Luca Cipriani posted a comment" - why didn't he post it here in this Forum where his customers are?

No idea. Would you rather me not bother next time something happens that I find out about and others have not?

Seems performance is back


And if "Luca Cipriani posted a comment" - why didn't he post it here in this Forum where his customers are?

No idea. Would you rather me not bother next time something happens that I find out about and others have not?

Hey ... my comment was not addressed at you. I am very grateful for you passing on the info.

I just feel strongly that it should not have been necessary for you to do it. Luca should have done it himself.


Only partially back still verry slow in Canada but at least the 502 and 504 errors seem to be gone.

Its like 300/1200 dial-up from here currently.

I have 502 still in California.

Still 502 / 504; and just now the browser 'offered' to open the PHP page in notepad++. This stuff started yesterday.

You seem to have been able to report it. To who? Email address please. If you're on holiday, we can't wait till you get back before the issue gets reported :smiley:


Report it to
Actually, it seems to be a lot better now.