Forum Uncertainty Principle

The Forum Uncertainty Principle can be descrbed as the "uncertain relation" between the total number of posts showing on a profile and the actual number of posts made. This can best be illustrated in the formula:

C = A.B

C is the reported number of posts
A is the actual number of posts
B is the forum uncertainty coeficient (or in my case the Bobonian Operator).

Substituting my statistics into the formula gives:

76 = 84.B

where B = 0.905 (after rounding).

More experimental data is required before the Bobonian Operator can be explicity calculated (or maybe the Forum just takes a while to be updated!).

There are also the deleted threads that can take post with it , lets call it factor d (from deleted)

bar sport doesn't count
So it is not purely lineair
So the formula is
C = A.B-D